
How can I receive notifications of filesystem changes in OS X?

In Windows, I can use the FindNextChangeNotification API to watch a file or folder for changes. For example, I can watch a folder and get notified when a file is added or removed. Is there a similar API on OS X? ...

How should git behave when two links to same file are different?

I observed the following behavior while working with the perl code base (on branch maint-5.004): bash-3.2$ git status | grep modified # modified: configure bash-3.2$ git reset --hard HEAD is now at 9a4fb7e copy over bleads .gitignore bash-3.2$ git status | grep modified # modified: Configure bash-3.2$ git reset --hard H...

Git changes files on Mac OS X

I just cloned an old repository containing some linux kernel modules (don't ask). If I clone on a linux machine, everything is fine. On my Mac however, someone (presumably Mac OS X) makes binary changes to the modules. I already disabled autocrlf. Here's the output of git diff -p --stat directly after clone: .../kernel/net/ipv4/netfil...