
CGI post handling differences on Hiawatha and Apache

I'm trying to set up a light development environment to allow straight CGI in Common Lisp, and I'd like to use Hiawatha instead of the much larger Apache. I have code that works for both GET and POST in Apache, but only GET in Hiawatha; is there a difference in the way Apache and Hiawatha handle POST? ...

web server for embedded system

Hello, Is there anyone knows about list of web servers which is used in embedded system ??. I have used hiawatha, is there any others ?. ...

Hiawatha and Drupal

I posted this on serverfault as well, but I probably asked in the wrong group. I am using the Hiawatha web server and running drupal on a FastCGI PHP server. The drupal site is using imagecache and it requires either private files or clean urls. The issue I am having with clean urls is that requests to files are being rewritten into ind...