
Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface : problem while persisting

i have a class campaign that maintains a list of AdGroupInterfaces. im going to persist its implementation @Entity @Table(name = "campaigns") public class Campaign implements Serializable,Comparable<Object>,CampaignInterface { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(strateg...

Can annotation be added to decelerations

Hello All, Can we add annotations to the decelerations instead to the getter methods. I'm used to this @Column(name="Part_ID") public Long getPartId() { return partId; } Can we use it like this @Column(name="Part_ID") private Long partId; Thanks all. Ravi ...

How do I depend on hibernate annotated mappings from a separate project?

I am trying to work out how to do the mappings for two different projects that share some entities. Since they share only a limited subset of mappings, my first idea was to separate these mappings out into a separate jar. I'm using hibernate annotations to do the mappings (so they're in the class files, not separate XML). Both project A...

Creating Indexes on DB with Hibernate @Index Annotation

I have annotation-driven hibernate capabilies on my project. Now I want to create an index over a column. My current column definition is @NotNull @Column(name = "hash") private String hash; and I add @Index annotation here. @NotNull @Column(name = "hash") @Index(name="hashIndex") private String hash; and then DROP TABLE and resta...

What is a IncompatibleClassChangeError exception in Java?

Hi, i am working on a small application and I am trying to use Hibernate Annotations to map my entities. I wanted to test if everything is alright when i got this exception : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at fr.cc2i.intervention.dao.main.Main$HibernateUtil.<clinit>(Main.java:48) at fr.cc2i.inter...

HibernateToolTask (hbm2hbmxml) doesn't generate index in hibernate-mapping from @org.hibernate.annotations.Index annotations

I am trying to generate hibernate-mapping from POJOs with hibernate annotations. Then I want to use liquibase to generate database schema. So I need indexes to be defined in my POJOs. Sample POJO: @Entity public class A { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Index(name = "IDX_NAME") @ForeignKey(name="sd") p...

Mapping multiple-row per item objects in Hibernate

I'm encountering somewhat of an, uh, unorthodox design and I'm not quite sure how to handle it. The table I'm trying to map looks like: TABLE example { ID INT, CATEGORY VARCHAR, PROPERTY VARCHAR, VALUE VARCHAR); A single id can have several rows (obviously, not a primary key). As an example, it could look like: # ID ...

Why does Hibernate throw exception "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint.name()"?

Why does the UniqueConstraint annotation in the following Hibernate mapping declaration cause the exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint.name() (see below for stack trace)? Note that when I remove the UniqueConstraint annotation, Hibernate does not throw the exception and Spring successfully creates th...

Hibernate: Where do insertable = false, updatable = false belong in composite primary key constellations involving foreign keys?

When implementing composite primary keys in Hibernate or other ORMs there are up to three places where to put the insertable = false, updatable = false in composite primary key constellations that use identifying relationships (FKs that are part of the PK): Into the composite PK class' @Column annotation (@Embeddable classes only) or I...

map default column value with annotations

@Entity @Table(name = "J_CNTRY") public class CountryEntity { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "myTableGenerator") @TableGenerator(name = "myTableGenerator", allocationSize = 5, pkColumnName = "pkName", valueColumnName = "pkValue", table = "j_cntry_pk_table") private Long id; private ...

Map two entities using a shared foreign key column in hibernate

I have four entities to map together, "Association", "Account", "Transaction" and "TransactionEvent". The id of Association is a simple integer id. Account and Transaction each have embedded id's consisting of a mapping to an Association and a number. TransactionEvent should have an embedded id consisting of one Account and one Associat...

Hibernate - OneToMany - Several Columns

Hello there, I have those 2 tables Teacher and Contact, a teacher can have x Contacts SO here we are looking at a @OneToMany association. Tables Structure: User [userid, username, email,...] Contact [contactid, contactname, ref, reftype,...] I want to load from my User Class all the User's contacts. To do that I would do a query lik...

How do I get Hibernate to call my custom typedef?

I'm trying to define a CompositeUserType to handle a specific type in my JPA/Hibernate app. I have a CompositeUserType called ApplicationMessageType that is designed to handle my mapping. According to what I've read, I should be able to create a package-info.java class in my domain hierarchy that contains the TypeDefs. Mine looks like ...

How to create reverse field mapping for an @Any Hibernate Annotation

When using the @Any annotation in hibernate how can you create the reverse mapping field, for use with orphan removal. My code looks like the example below, except that classes A and B each have their own inheritance hierarchies which is why I can not make Interface I an abstract class. public Interface I; @Entity public Class A impl...

How to map a Map<String,Double>

I tried @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) Map<String, Double> data = new HashMap<String, Double>(); but it produces the error : org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class: com.company.Klass.data[java.lang.Double] at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.CollectionBinder.bindManyTo...

How Would One Find a Dependency-Order list of Tables to Delete for Test Data?

I have a test suite that needs to delete any existing data in my local MySQL test instance for a large number (but not all) of the tables in the system. delete from customer; Of course, customer has quite a few foreign keys to it, so I also have to delete a few more tables... delete from customer_email; delete from customer_phone;...

Hibernate: Add a property in my class that is not mapped to a db-table

I have a table tbl_sky that has 2 properties name and model and I would use Hibernate annotation like; @Entity @Table(name="tbl_sky") public class Sky implements Serializable { private String name; private String model; private String status; @Id public String getName() { return name; } . . . But I nee...

mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property

I am having an issue in setting up a one to many relationship in my annotated object. I have the following: @MappedSuperclass public abstract class MappedModel { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name="id",nullable=false,unique=true) private Long mId; then this @Entity @Table(name="customer") ...

Maven + Hibernate annotations schema generation

I have a bunch of classes annotated with hibernate annotations. I'm using Maven, Hibernate and Spring. How can I generated the DB schema using hibernate3-maven-plugin's hbm2ddl? ...