
what is the hibernate tools plugin for eclipse update site url?

Or perhaps this is a manual install only deal. ...

How to configure Hibernate Tools HQL editor in Eclipse with a custom NamingStrategy

I've installed Hibernate Tools 3.2.4.GA in Eclipse Ganymede. The main driver for installing it was to be able to issue HQL queries interactively. I have configured all of our mapping files, hibernate.properties, etc. and it shows all of our entities and mappings and is able to read a list of tables from the database. It doesn't appe...

Why do I get the error "Only antlib URIs can be located from the URI alone,not the URI" when trying to run hibernate tools in my build.xml

I'm trying to run hibernate tools in an ant build to generate ddl from my JPA annotations. Ant dies on the taskdef tag. I've tried with ant 1.7, 1.6.5, and 1.6 to no avail. I've tried both in eclipse and outside. I've tried including all the hbn jars in the hibernate-tools path and not. Note that I based my build file on this post: ...

eclipse hibernate plugin

Hi folks, Can somebody guide me how to install Hibernate tools in Eclipse. I am using Eclipse 3.3 ( I can upgrade to 3.4). I can use Hibernate 3.0 or 2.0. I am not able to install the plugin. Its not getting detected. The update site gives error saying that WTP is required. When I try to install that, it again give some dependency erro...

Where does Hibernate Tools store its database connection info in Eclipse?

I am using Hibernate Tools in Eclipse and having a problem. When we were initially trying to setup HT to be configured properly with our weird configuration, we made a custom DB connection (Right click your Hibernate configuration -> Edit Configuration - it's a dropdown box labelled Database connection:) Now, we're not using that anymor...

How to configure hibernate-tools with maven to generate hibernate.cfg.xml, *.hbm.xml, POJOs and DAOs

Hi, can any one tell me how to force maven to precede mapping .hbm.xml files in the automatically generated hibernate.cfg.xml file with package path? My general idea is, I'd like to use hibernate-tools via maven to generate the persistence layer for my application. So, I need the hibernate.cfg.xml, then all my_table_names.hbm.xml and a...

@SequenceGenerator - allocationSize, reverse engineering with Eclipse Hibernate Tools

I use the Eclipse Hibernate Tools to create domain classes with JPA annotations from my Oracle database. To control sequence generation I have added the following entry to the hibernate.reveng.xml: ... <primary-key> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">SEQ_FOO_ID</param> </generator> </primary-key> ... ...

How to configure hbm2java and hbm2dao to add packagename to generated classes

Hi, I'm trying to configure hbm2java with maven to generate POJO classes and DAO objects. One of the issues I'm dealing with is package names aren't generated. I'm using the following pom for that: <execution> <id>hbm2java</id> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>hbm2java</goal> </goals> <inherited...

Generate service layer with Hibernate

I generate .hbm.xml mapping files and .java files from the DB schema, with Hibernate Tools. My question is, that is there any option, to generate service classes also? These are the classes where I implement the store(), find(), delete(), etc... methods. I know that for C# there are many solutions to generate almost everything. I'm look...

HibernateToolTask (hbm2hbmxml) doesn't generate index in hibernate-mapping from @org.hibernate.annotations.Index annotations

I am trying to generate hibernate-mapping from POJOs with hibernate annotations. Then I want to use liquibase to generate database schema. So I need indexes to be defined in my POJOs. Sample POJO: @Entity public class A { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Index(name = "IDX_NAME") @ForeignKey(name="sd") p...

How to change name of Hibernate Tools reverse engineerd DAO class?

Hi, So im trying to use Hibernate Tools to reverse engineer my database and I am just getting into using Freemarker templates to weak the code it generates. The problem is I want to change the name of the DAO classes it generates. By default the DAO classes are named in the form PersonHome however to change the name to PersonDAO i modif...

Use SQL Information to Populate Schema Documentation and Code Comments Using Hibernate Tools?

I have set up Hibernate Tools from within Eclipse to autogenerate classes based on an existing DB. For each of the tables I have documented them and each of their columns within SQL Server. Is there a way to use that documentation information to comment the generated classes and to populate the schema entity documentation? I see that ...

Hibernate type used to map java.lang.Double

Hello, I am using "double" in Hibernate .hbm.xml files, and when I generate classes with Hibernate Tool I get class property which has primitive type double. I want this property to be java wrapper type Double. How can I achieve this? If I change this manually in my classes, is it going to give any issues to hibernate? Thanks ...

How can I change the name of the self-referential many-to-many set using hibernate.reveng.xml?

I have a project using Hibernate on an Oracle database for which all entities are generated directly from Hibernate Tools under control of a hibernate.reveng.xml file. I have one class which has a many-to-many relationship to itself using an intermediary table, like so: PERSON: ID ... PERSON_PERSON: PARENT_ID --> PERSON.ID CHI...