
nHibrnate.Search with nHibernate v2

Hi I having trouble getting nHibernate.Search to create an Index. If I use of nHibernate.dll & nHibernate.Search.dll then the index is created correctly and I can inspect it with Luke (a Lucene utility). A segments file is created as well as a Fragments file etc However, when I use v 2 of nHibernate.dll & nHibernate.Search.dll...

JPA HibernateSearch Projections

I'm trying to use JPA with HibernateSearch. I used Example 5.3 in http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en/html/search-query.html. The results come out as expected. However, the data coming back is a huge graph. I only need the primary key of the data. So, I tried Example 5.9, but it only shows the Hibernate API. ...

(N)Hibernate.Search : Index different properties in one field

When I was using Lucene to index my entities, I had the habit of putting all my indexed properties in a field named "all", to perform a search on "all" of my entities types. Now, using NHibernate.Search, I can't find how to do this. I tried this : [Indexed(Index = "MyIndex")] public class Post { [DocumentId] public virtual int ...