
nHibrnate.Search with nHibernate v2

Hi I having trouble getting nHibernate.Search to create an Index. If I use of nHibernate.dll & nHibernate.Search.dll then the index is created correctly and I can inspect it with Luke (a Lucene utility). A segments file is created as well as a Fragments file etc However, when I use v 2 of nHibernate.dll & nHibernate.Search.dll...

NHibernate.Search, Lucene index files not created

I have come across an issue with NHibernate.Search, where it all of a sudden stopped working, it cannot create files nor read the index-files at all. NHibernate seems to load it correctly: 2009-01-20 17:37:17,751 [1] DEBUG NHibernate.Impl.SessionFactoryImpl - instantiating session factory with properties: {use_reflection_optimize...

How to add NHibernate configuration file to use NHibernate.Search?

I try to use NHibernate.Search that I built from trunk and use with NHibernate 2.0.1. When I add some NHibernate.Search properties config into configuaration file: <property name="hibernate.search.default.directory_provider">NHibernate.Search.Storage.RAMDirectoryProvider, NHibernate.Search</property> <property name="hibernate.search.def...

Fluent NHibernate + Lucene Search (NHibernate.Search)

I'm using Fluent NHibernate and I would like to implement NHibernate.Search with Lucene but I can't find any examples on how to do that with Fluent NHibernate. It appears there are two steps. (According to Castle) Set the Hibernate properties in the configuration: hibernate.search.default.directory_provider hibernate.search.default.i...

How do I query for data indexed as IndexEmbedded(FullText in nhibernate.search)

How do I query for data added as IndexEmbedded? I have an entity class [Indexed] public class Something { [Field(Index.Tokenized, Store = Store.Yes)] public virtual string Description { get; set; } [IndexedEmbedded] public virtual Category Category { get; set; } [IndexedEmbedded] public virtual Location L...

Integrating Nhibernate.Search with Nhibernate 2

I have just spent all day attempting to get NHibernate.Search working alongside NHibernate 2.0 and am sorry to say that I have still not managed it. I ran into the problem posted here and downloaded the dll linked by that post, however the example uses a search Interceptor rather than EventListeners, which I believe to be the newer way o...

How to store a lucene index so that it is accessible by more than one app server.

We have a single database that drives a number of applications. Each application uses the same database and the same NHibernate Mappings. I have recently implemented Nhibernate.Search in one of our applications. With a view to adding it to the others over time. If this happens I could potentially have a number of app servers updating on...

Sample Project for NHibernate Search using Lucene.Net

Is there any Asp Dotnet projects samples available using Lucene Dotnet ...

NHibernate Search Downloads

please help me to download the correct version of Nhibernate and its supprotive dlls for dotnet 1. Nhibernate 2. Nhibernate.Search Gunasekaran Sambandhan ...

Error using NHibernate

Considering this example as a base example. I created the application but when I execute this application getting the following error. The ProxyFactoryFactory was not configured. Initialize 'proxyfactory.factory_class' property of the session-factory configuration section with one of the available NHibernate.ByteCode providers. Ex...

The ProxyFactoryFactory was not configured

Considering this example as a base example. I created the application but when I execute this application getting the following error. The ProxyFactoryFactory was not configured.Initialize 'proxyfactory.factory_class' property of the session-factory configuration section with one of the available NHibernate.ByteCode providers. Example: ...

How to make the field name case incensitive in an nhibernate.search query

I would like to make the field name in my query case incesitive so that when users make the queries title:Jurassic or Title:Jurassic NHibernate Search would yield the same result. As I understand the way Lucene works field names are case sensitive. Is there a way to configure NH Search/Lucene to lowercase the field names when inde...

Nhibernate.Search, Lucene, and the Criteria API: types mismatch

Update I've been looking around the NHibernate.Search.Tests project to find out how the Criteria API is used (i find it immensely useful to look around the test code to have working examples) and i noticed that the way to use the Fulltext search is radically different. Here are two tests, one with the criteria API, one with the classic ...

Nhibernate.Search is unable to instantiate directory provider

i am trying to use NHibernate.Search together with CastleProjects ActiveRecord as descriped here http://using.castleproject.org/display/AR/Using+NHibernate.Search+with+ActiveRecord but i am getting the following error as soon as i decorate the first buisness object with the indexed attribute Zeile 135: sessFactory = cfg.BuildSessi...

NHibernate user defined query

Hi guys, I need to implement a query form giving the user the opportunity to build his own criterias, based on selecting a property, an operator (=, <>, like, not like, in, not in ...) and a value, combining those with AND , OR logical operators. I wanted to store there criterias in a separate entity in my db. Has anyone had this kind ...

Is there a good documentation of NHibernate's query by example feature?

Hi! I'm trying to find a good documentation which states exactly, what query by example is capable of and what not. In particular, I want to know, if query by example supports a search like the following: I want to get all Persons which have a location with a certain name. public class Person { public virtual IList<Location> Locat...

Is there an NHibernate criterion which does actually nothing?

Hi! I'm looking for an NHibernate criterion which does not add a restriction to a criteria. The reason for this is that I have a method which converts some input parameters into a criterion which is added to a criteria. There is a constellation of the input parameters where no restriction needs to by applied. Therefore I want to return ...

how do i filter my lucene search results?

Say my requirement is "search for all users by name, who are over 18" If i were using SQL, i might write something like: Select * from [Users] Where ([firstname] like '%' + @searchTerm + '%' OR [lastname] like '%' + @searchTerm + '%') AND [age] >= 18 However, im having difficulty translating this into lucene.net. This ...

Lucene.NET Search Highlighting that respects HTML Tags

I am trying to highlight search terms in a block of HTML, the problem is if a user does a search for "color", this: <span style='color: white'>White</span> becomes: <span style='<b>color</b>: white'><b>White</b></span> and obviously, messing up my style is not a good idea. Here is the code I am using: Query parsedQuery = par...

Lucene.NET indexes are not updating when dealing with many-to-many relationships using NHibernate.Search

I have integrated NHibernate.Search into my web app by following tutorials from the following sources: NHibernate.Search using Lucene.NET Full Text Index (Part 1) Using NHibernate.Search with ActiveRecord I have also successfully batch-indexed my database, and when testing against Luke, I can search for terms that reside in whatever ...