
Get a handle on event listening in JavaScript

Last week we released Omniture's analytics code onto a large volume of web sites after tinkering and testing for the last week or so. On almost all of our site templates, it works just fine. In a few scattered, unpredictable situations, there is a crippling, browser-crashing experience that may turn away some users. We're not able to s...

jQuery Plugin: Handling Events

I'm currently working on a jQuery plugin and I'm wondering if it would be possible to have the plugin listen for events rather than being triggered by events. So instead of this: $('#element_id').mouseover(function() { $(this).plugin(); }); $('#element_id').mouseout(function() { $(this).pluginHide(); }); I want to try to do ...

Fluent NHibernate + Lucene Search (NHibernate.Search)

I'm using Fluent NHibernate and I would like to implement NHibernate.Search with Lucene but I can't find any examples on how to do that with Fluent NHibernate. It appears there are two steps. (According to Castle) Set the Hibernate properties in the configuration: hibernate.search.default.directory_provider hibernate.search.default.i...

Add listener for all element events in WPF

I would like to hook for all available element events in one call. Some thing like this: elem.AddHandler(AnyRoutedEvent, (RoutedEventHandler)handler) How can I do this? ...

How do I reference an object, add a tween to it and put this in an Eventlistener in AS3?

I'm having quite some trouble to try and get an app I wrote in AS2 to AS3. The reason I need to go to AS3 is something icky, so I won't go into detail about it. I've got 90% of the application running with the new code. Now I've come to the point where I have to convert this code from AS2, function setAnimation(theObject,id) { theO...

NHibernate Event Listeners Persistence - how does it work?

I decided to implement the event listeners in the latest build of NHibernate to keep track of who is making edits and what those edits are. My question is this - the below does work and I can step through it but what I'm not sure how these changes get saved ... do I need to build an audit table and write a mapping for it to call a save ...

Invoke a code after all mouse event listeners are executed.

I have created a panel on which a set of objects is drawn. Each of the object is added as a mouse event listener to the panel. As I know, after an event occurs the listeners are notified and the code might be (or is?) executed in several threads. Is it possible to attach a custom code that will be executed after all listeners finish exec...

Google Maps: Event Listener only remembering final value of variable

I'm putting together a Google Map which contains the locations of various test centres around my country. It plots a marker on each county, and when you click the county marker, it zooms in and gives an overview of the test centres in that county. I'm also using jQuery with this. Here's the problem: When I plot the county markers and c...

NHibernate save / update event listeners: listening for child object saves

I have an Area object which has many SubArea children: public class Area { ... public virtual IList<SubArea> SubAreas { get; set; } } he children are mapped as a uni-directional non-inverse relationship: public class AreaMapping : ClassMap<Area> { public AreaMapping() { HasMany(x => x. SubAreas).Not.Inverse()...

Wondering if this code excerpt can represent a event listener...

Can we call this: $('#nomeInput').keypress(function(){ //code here... an event listener? Thanks. ...

Listening for Multiple Events on Multiple Objects AS3

I currently have an over, out and click event for 8 different objects. The over and out events are identical for each (tween expands object and then shrinks it back for the out state). I have previously asked for an easy way to declare those events, and now I was looking for an easier way to handle them. Here's my code: //-----------G...