
NHibernate.Search - async mode

Hi, I am using NHibernate Lucene search in my project. Lucene.Net.dll - v - NHibernate.dll - v - At this point I am trying to use async option for indexing and used following options config.SetProperty(NHibernate.Search.Environment.WorkerExecution, "async"); config.SetProperty(NHibernate.Search.Environment...

Howto search all fields with NHibernate Search?

NHibernate is working fine in my current solution but I would like to do queries that search all fields. How can I do something like .CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("*", queryText) .CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("%", queryText) .CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("*:test") .CreateFullTextQuery<MyObjectGraph>("%:test") I tried...

NHibernate.Search.dll - Indexing Errors

I am using NHibernate Lucene search in my project. Lucene.Net.dll - v - NHibernate.dll - v - I have build NHibernate.Search.dll with above two references. The auto indexing happens in async mode with every record update. Now the problem is, on some machine we get follwoing 2 errors when auto indexing process ...

How do I build an Index in Nhibernate.Search (Lucene.Net)?

Hi, I'm trying to add a search field to my web site (ASP.NET MVC 2) and was told it'd be a good idea to use Nhibernate.Search, seeing that I was already using Nhibernate in the rest of the project. Anyway, I followed a coulpe tutorials, namely this one, and some questions and answeres on this site, but in the end, it does not build an...

Is it possible to combine SOLR and NHibernate Search

I am new to SOLR but am aware that it is built on top of lucene. I was wondering if it is possible to use existing NHibernate Search, which obviously works directly with Lucene, to add/update items in SOLR? If so, is this considered a bad practice? Thank in advance, JP ...

Best way to exclude object from search with Fluent NHibernate Search

I have a class with a boolean property. I want to exclude instance with a false value from search result. What is the best way to do that with Fluent NHibernate Search ? ...

Eager Loading of Tree / Hierarchies using Nhibernate

Hi This is not a question as such, I have been reserarching this subject for the last few days and thought I would like to contribute something that pulled in a lot of the disparate ideas that I've beed reading about and put forward my solution to the problem... The problem being eager loading of n level child objects within Nhibernate...

Lucene.Net and Nhibernate.Search: how to manage complex searches?

We have a SQL Server database with a million-ish records that are indexed by Lucene.net through Nhibernate.Search. When we built the index for our classes, we tried to be extensive since the cost for indexing/retrieval was really small. The goal was to offer full-text searching to users on a webpage with pagination. Since SQL Server com...