
Can't get JPA2 running with Hibernate and Maven

Have been trying the whole day long and googled the ** out of the web ... in vain. You are my last hope: Here's my code: The Entity: package sas.test.model; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; @Entity public class Employee { @Id private int id; private String name; private long salary; publi...

Hibernate - hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto = validate

I am interested in how hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=validate actually works and I am struggling to find comprehensive documentation. We've recently discovered production system was affected by http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-3532 (Hibernate matches foreign keys on name, rather than signature and so will recreate ...

ORM supporting immutable classes

Which ORM supports a domain model of immutable types? I would like to write classes like the following (or the Scala equivalent): class A { private final C c; //not mutable A(B b) { //init c } A doSomething(B b) { // build a new A } } The ORM has to initialized the object with the constructor. So it is possible ...

Enum mapping and criteria

Hi, I have two entities: "Parent" & "Child" Child is mapped in Parent like this: Code: <many-to-one name="child" class="org.demo.Child" update="false" insert="false" embed-xml="false" node="chd/@id" > <column name="CHILD_ID" precision="10" scale="0" not-null="true" /> </many-to-one> and Child has an Enum type mapped ...

Basic Hibernate Caching Question

Does Hibernate use cache (second level or otherwise) if all I am doing is batch inserts? No entities are being requested from the database, and no generators are used. Also, would StatelessSession vs Session change the answer? What if I was using a Session with a JDBC batch size of 50? The cache I will be using is Ehcache ...

Table per subclass inheritance relationship: How to query against the Parent class without loading any subclass ??? (Hibernate)

Suppose a Table per subclass inheritance relationship which can be described bellow (From wikibooks.org - see here) Notice Parent class is not abstract @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Project { @Id private long id; // Other properties } @Entity @Table(name="LARGEPROJECT") public class ...

HibernateTemplate alwaysUseNewSession

Hi, I had a problem where I was using the hibernate template to do most of my DB work but I had a part of the system that directly accessed the session to do batch persisting. I noticed that the hibernate template session was old and would be storing cached values which didnt take into account the objects save with the session directly. ...

Trying to Unit Test A Class That Makes DB Queries Using Hibernate And Can't Get Session Created...

I am trying to implement JUnit tests for a class that performs DB queries using Hibernate. When I create the class under test, I get access to the session through the factory by doing the following: InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) context.lookup(hibernateContext); This works fine when ...

How do I map a one-to-one value type association in an joined-subclass?

I've got a class hierarchy mapped using table-per-subclass, and it's been working out great: class BasicReport { ... } class SpecificReport : BasicReport { ... } With mappings: <class name="BasicReport" table="reports"> <id name="Id" column="id">...</id> <!-- some common properties --> </class> <joined-subclass name="Sp...

ClassNotFoundException (HqlToken) when running in WebLogic

I have a .war file for an application that normally runs fine in Jetty. I'm trying to port the application to run in WebLogic, but at startup I'm getting these exceptions: ERROR:Foo - Error in named query: findBar org.hibernate.QueryException: ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlToken [from Bar] at org.hibernate.hql.as...

HIbernate 3.5.1 - can I just drop in EHCache 2.0.1?

I'm using Hibernate 3.5.1, which comes with EHCache 1.5 bundled. If I want to use the latest EHCache release (2.0.1), is it just a matter of removing the ehcache-1.5.jar from my project, and replacing with ehcache-core-2.0.1.jar? Any issues to be aware of? Also - is a cache "region" in the Hibernate mapping file that same as a cache "...

grails: quering in a composite structure

hey i have the following domain model: class Location { String name static hasMany = [locations:Location, persons:Person] } class Person { String name } so basically each location can hold a bunch of people + "sub-locations". what is the best way to recursively query for all persons under a location (including it's sub l...

Issue with a JPA query

I am trying to execute the following JPA query: public static final String UPDATE_INVENTORY_CUSTOMER_FOR_AMS_MAPPING = "UPDATE Inventory inventory SET" + " inventory.customer.id = :" + DataAccessConstants.PARAM_CUSTOMER_ID + " ,inventory.lastUpdateUserId = :" + DataAccessConstants.PARAM_USER_ID + " where inventory.amsCo...

Hibernate configuration files not found by Axis2

I am writing a web service to be deployed on Tomcat using Axis2. I am using Hibernate3 to persist data between the web service and a MySQL database. When running the application through by IDE, the method I am exposing through Axis2 works as intended, however when I deploy the .aar to Tomcat, I receive a SOAP Error claiming that hiberna...

Hibernate pojo file issues

Hi all I am currently using netbeans for a project. I have created my db using MySQL Workbench. I have two relationships that are one to one. However once I create the POJOs using netbeans hibernate mapping files tools they are being created as one to many. I have tried reversing the db within workbench and the relationships are shown...

Oracle Hibernate with in Netbean RCP

All, i have a problem with hibernate using netbean platform 6.8, i have been search around internet, but cannot found the suitable answer This is my story. i am using oracle database as data source of my hibernate entity with ojdbc14.jar driver. First i create hibernate entity tobe wrapped latter in a netbeans module, i tested the h...

Hibernate's version values in Grails app

I'm looking at a database dump file, and I see many records in various tables with their version number set in values other than 0 (even 94 in one case). I understand it has to do with hibernate locking strategy, but my concern is that today is Sunday, and the site has almost no visitors so is: is this normal ? Or is there a known hibern...

POJO from HBM file

HI All, I am new to hibernate and I would to create POJO from xxx.hbm.xml file. Is it possible? Please respond Regards, Vikram A. Deshpande ...

Exception thrown during hibernate-search query: org.hibernate.search.SearchException: No Lucene configuration set up for...

Hi, i'm facing problems executing a hibernate-search query. Every time when I search for a term that is contained in the lucene-index, the following exception is thrown: Caused by org.hibernate.search.SearchException with message: "No Lucene configuration set up for: de.gridworks.everein.model.Membership" org.hibernate.search.engi...

How to use Mysql variables with Hibernate ?

Hello, I need to use a native sql query in Hibernate with use of variable. But hibernate throws an error saying: Space is not allowed after parameter prefix So there is a conflict with the := mysql variable assignment and hibernate variable assignment. Here is my sql query: SET @rank:=0; UPDATE Rank SET rank_Level=@rank:=@rank+1 O...