
How to call a stored procedure using HibernateTemplate in spring framework?

Hi Experts, Can anyone help me with calling a stored procedure using HibernateTemplate in spring framework? I'm new to Hibernate, so please help me with this. Thanks in advance, Sinu Mathews ...

Search Oracle date type column with hibernate, seach by everything in that day - ignore the time.

hi there <property name="batchCreatedDate" type="java.util.Date"> <meta attribute="field-description">batch create date</meta> <column name="BATCH_CREATED_DATE" length="7" not-null="true" /> </property> table column type is BATCH_CREATED_DATE DATE NOT NULL With the data in that date column being similar to this '20...

Hibernate associations

what are the minimum tables I need for many to many associations in Hibernate? ...

Configure Hibernate validation for bean

Hi. I need to perform validation based on SQL query result. Query is defined as annotation - as @NamedQuery in my entity bean. According to Hibernate documentation(doc), there is possibility to validate bean on following operations: pre-update pre-insert pre-delete looks like: <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> ....

Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?

Hibernate does not allow me to persist an object that contains an null embedded object with an integer field. For example, if I have a class called Thing that looks like this @Entity public class Thing { @Id public String id; public Part part; } where Part is an embeddable class that looks like this @Embeddable public...

How to selectively fetch items from a certain table via JPA

Environment: JPA 1, Hibernate 3.3.x I have an JPA entity class (User), how do I selectively fetch member variables say (first_name, last_name) instead of fetching all user attributes using the JPA api. ...

How to get entries from the second level query cache ?

In my grails application, I want to display all the current entries of the second-level cache from all regions. My code is as following : def getCacheStats() { StatisticsImpl stats = sessionFactory.statistics for (regionName in stats.secondLevelCacheRegionNames) { log.debug stats.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics(regionName).entrie...

Basic Hibernate question using and sql query

Hello I have an java Object ‘Person’ with 3 properties firstname,lastname and username. I have an Oracle Store procedure returning a Resultset with the 3 column. All works fine for that. Now I have another StoreProcedure that will only return firstname and lastname but not username. I get the following error : « could not read column ...

What are the hibernate annotations used to persist a Map with an enumerated type as a key?

I am having trouble getting the right hibernate annotations to use on a Map with an enumerated class as a key. Here is a simplified (and extremely contrived) example. public class Thing { public String id; public Letter startLetter; public Map<Letter,Double> letterCounts = new HashMap<Letter, Double>(); } public enum Let...

How to configure hibernate-tools with maven to generate hibernate.cfg.xml, *.hbm.xml, POJOs and DAOs

Hi, can any one tell me how to force maven to precede mapping .hbm.xml files in the automatically generated hibernate.cfg.xml file with package path? My general idea is, I'd like to use hibernate-tools via maven to generate the persistence layer for my application. So, I need the hibernate.cfg.xml, then all my_table_names.hbm.xml and a...

Size of assosiation in Hibernate criteria.

Hello guys. I've faced with a problem when querying with Hibernate Criteria in Grails. Take a look: def visitors = Client.withCriteria{ visits{ use ( TimeCategory ) {between('date',date,date+1.month-1)} } sizeGe("visits",params.from) sizeLe("visits",params.to) fetchMode("v...

Hibernate Lazy initialization exception problem with Gilead in GWT 2.0 integration

Hello, I use GWT 2.0 as UI layer on my project. On server side, I use Hibernate. For example, this is 2 domains entities that I have : public class User { private Collection<Role> roles; @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "users", targetEntity = Role.class) public Collection<Role>...

No improvement in speed when using Ehcache with Hibernate

I'm getting no improvement in speed when using Ehcache with Hibernate Here are the results I get when i run the test below. The test is reading 80 Stop objects and then the same 80 Stop objects again using the cache. On the second read it is hitting the cache, but there is no improvement in speed. Any idea's on what I'm doing wrong? ...

Mixing table per subclass and per hierarchy in hibernate

In my database there are two three tables. The first one, table ABSTRACT, holds three columns id, type, someText This table contains all abstract information for the abstract class abstract. Now the two tables CONCRETEONE and CONCRETETWO contain all information for the concrete classes concreteOne and concreteTwo. Now I know I could ...

"No row with the given identifier exists" although it DOES exist!

Hello all! I am using Hibernate and getting Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [<MyDbObject>#271] What is pretty weird about this error is, that the object with the given id exists in the database. I inserted the problematic record in another run of the applicat...

@SequenceGenerator - allocationSize, reverse engineering with Eclipse Hibernate Tools

I use the Eclipse Hibernate Tools to create domain classes with JPA annotations from my Oracle database. To control sequence generation I have added the following entry to the hibernate.reveng.xml: ... <primary-key> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">SEQ_FOO_ID</param> </generator> </primary-key> ... ...

hibernate Query by primary key

Hi ... I wanna create query by primary key. Supposed I have class primary key, PersonKey, the properties is name and id. I have Person class, the property is PersonKey, address, DOB. Now, I wanna search person by primary key. First, I create instance of PersonKey, and set the name become: joe, and id become:007 can I get the person ...

Hibernate parameter typing with functions

Hi all, When using hibernate typically it can figure out the type of your parameters by looking at either the property it is against, or hibernate seems to recognise certain types by default (e.g. java.util.Date). However I have some queries which use functions (dateadd). In these queries using a object that has a custom type binding ...

JPA entitymanager remove operation is not performant

When I try to do an entityManager.remove(instance) the underlying JPA provider issues a separate delete operation on each of the GroupUser entity. I feel this is not right from a performance perspective, since if a Group has 1000 users there will be 1001 calls issued to delete the entire group and itr groupuser entity. Would it make mor...

How to prevent Hibernate from nullifying relationship column during entity removal

I have two entities, A and B. I need to easily retrieve entities A, joined with entities B on the condition of equal values of some column (some column from A equal to some column in B). Those columns are not primary or foreign keys, they contain same business data. I just need to have access from each instance of A to the collection of ...