
Entity versioning in JPA + Hibernate

I have a problem with entity versioning. Here's what I want to archive: Let's say that I have entity class A (POJO with javax.persistance.* annotations). It's in relations with other entities. Then I need to insert new version of A. All rows should still reffer to old one, but it should be marked as archived and new version should be in...

Hibernate zeroToOne

I am trying to establish a relationship between 2 entities which would be zero-to-one. That is, the Parent can be saved without the associated Child entity and also along with the assoicated Child. Following are the 2 Entity classes... Employee (Parent) public class Employee { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUT...

JBoss Cache Configuration

Hi all! I'm using an extended persistence context (injected Entitymanager at SFSB) and have additionally set @TransactionManagement(value=TransactionManagementType.BEAN) for the SFSB to have full control over the UserTransaction. The Transaction is controlled on client side where I start a lookup for the SFSBs containing a reference to...

JPA, Mysql Blob returns data too long

Hi there, I've got some byte[] fields in my entities, e.g.: @Entity public class ServicePicture implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2877629751219730559L; // seam-gen attributes (you should probably edit these) @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String description; ...

Ehcache eternal cache forget items

Env: Spring 2.5.6, Hibernate 3.3.2, Ehcache 2.0.1, terracotta 3.2.1 I have a cache on an abstract class (with 5 inheritors) <cache name="com.f4.owl.domain.good.GoodType" maxElementsInMemory="15000" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="0" timeToLiveSeconds="0" overflowToDisk="false"> <terracotta/> </...

JPA / Hibernate / MS SQL Server not returning generated id value

I am using Hibernate entity manager 3.5.1-Final with MS SQL Server 2005 and trying to persist multiple new entities. My entity is annotationally configured thus: @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private int id; After calling entityManager.persist(newEntity) I do not see the generatedId set, it remains as 0. ...

How to specify that a combination of columns should be a unique constraint using annotations?

I want to make sure that all rows in my table have a unique combination of two fields, and I want to specify this using annotations in my entity class. I have tried using a combination of @Table and @UniqueConstraint but apparently I'm doing it wrong, in that I can only seem to specify that the separate columns should be unique (I can a...

Server-side optimistic locking in a ReSTful app: handling asynchronous requests from the same client

I am working on a project that is in transition from proof-of-concept to something worthy of a pilot project. One of the key improvements for this phase of development is to move away from the current "persistence" mechanism, which uses a hash table held in memory and periodically dumped to a file, to a more traditional database back-end...

Hibernate - Traversing createSQLQuery results and reading into approriate object

I am pretty new to Hibernate / Java (JSF 2.0) and I am attempting to call a custom query and read the results into an object that I have created Logins. Logins has two setter functions, setLoginDate(Date date) and setUserId(Integer userId) my function looks like so, The issue I am having is how to transform the result set and read in th...

What object type does Spring Hibernate Template execute method return for a counting query on Oracle?

When run against and Oracle database, what is the runtime type of the object that the following Spring Hibernate Template (Spring 2.5 and Hibernate 3.3.2GA) code returns where the SQL query is a counting query like select count(*) from table? String sql = "select count(*) from table"; BigDecimal count = (BigDecimal) hibernateTemplate....

Hibernate annotations for inheritance

I would like to implement inheritance in Hibernate. in the database: object table is: CREATE TABLE `object` ( `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ) code_table table is: - CREATE TABLE `code_table` ( `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `description` varchar(45) character set latin1 default ...

Injecting fields via Spring into entities loaded by Hibernate

I am looking for a way to inject certain properties via Spring in a bean that is loaded from the DB by Hibernate. E.g. class Student { int id; //loaded from DB String name; //loaded from DB int injectedProperty; //Inject via Spring } Can I configure Spring so that whenever Hibernate creates objects of class Student, some pro...

Hibernate - Avoiding LazyInitializationException - Detach Object From Proxy and Session

MyObject myObject = repositoryHibernateImpl.getMyObjectFromDatabase(); //transaction is finished, and no, there is not an option to reopen it ThirdPartyUtility.doStuffWithMyObjectType( myObject ); at this point you've already defined what is lazy and eager loaded, and the third party utility will try to call all of the methods on your ...

How to map one class to different tables using hibernate/jpa annotations

I'm currently stuck with what seems to be a very simple problem, but I just can't seem to find a way around: I have 2 identical tables: tbl_creditcard_approved_txns tbl_creditcard_declined_txns The fields in both are identical, and I have one class - Transaction that is used to represent all the appropriate fields in the tab...

HIbernate Query returning incorrect records when used with Composite Keys

class Mstatkey // This defines the coomposite key over the columns deviceid, groupaddr, srcaddr @Embeddable public final class MstatKey implements Serializable { private Integer associatedNetDeviceId; private Long groupAddr; private Long sourceAddr; .... // Here we use the composite key class Mstat @NamedQuery( ...

Why is Grails not returning what I'm looking for?

Here's the domain classes I'm working with: class Foo { String name, type static hasMany = [ bars: Bar ] List bars static mapping = { bars lazy:false } } class Bar { String value static belongsTo = Foo } I've written some Criteria queries in order to give the users an interface to que...

Stopping Hibernate from trying to get a calculated field from the database

I have a property of a business object which is calculated. The calculation involves some of the logged in user's details, and so can't be represented as a simple SQL query. I'm having trouble representing the field in the Hibernate mapping XML file, because Hibernate continues to try and retrieve the field from the database, although ...

Correct way to count associated objects using JPQL

What is the correct way to write this JPA query? I am just guessing as I cant work it out or find it in my JPA book. Query query=em.createQuery("select m from Meeting m where count(m.attendees) = 0"); return query.getResultList(); I am currently trying this with Hibernate and I get a mysql error! ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptio...

javax.persistence annotations and inheritance

I have 4 persistent classes which all have the same fields (exactly) the only 3 difference between them is 1) the class name, 2) the table name and 3) the data. i am aware that this might seem strange to some but trust me there is a good reason which i won't go into here. now, i'm using hibernate annotations to configure my class which ...


i am facing these exception: 1515 [main] WARN org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: -1, SQLState: XJ040 1515 [main] ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ040, SQLERRMC: Failed to start database 'myeclipse', see the next exception for details. java.sql.SQLException:...