
Display hidden characters in NSTextView

I am writing a text editor for Mac OS X. I need to display hidden characters in an NSTextView (such as spaces, tabs, and special characters). I have spent a lot of time searching for how to do this but so far I have not found an answer. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful. ...

Determining if a Unicode character is visible?

I am writing a text editor which has an option to display a bullet in place of any invisible Unicode character. Unfortunately there appears to be no easy way to determine whether a Unicode character is invisible. I need to find a text file containing every Unicode character in order that I can look through for invisible characters. Wo...

In Perl, how to do you remove ^M from a file?

Hi! I have a script that is appending new fields to an existing CSV, however ^M characters are appearing at the end of the old line so the new fields end up on a new row instead of the same one. How do you remove the ^M characters from a csv file using Perl?. ...

How to hide a string in binary code?

Sometimes it make sense to hide string value from binary (executable) file. For example, it really make sense to hide encryption key from executable file. What I mean when I say "hide"? Such code: const char* encryptionKey = "My strong encryption key"; // Using the key after compilation produce executable file with such sec...

How to show/reveal hidden or invisible characters in NetBeans?

How can you show/reveal hidden characters in NetBeans? In other editors, if this feature is turned on, a space might be shown as a small centered dot, and a tab as a right arrow. (This feature is useful to see if a file uses tabs or spaces for indentation, among other things.) ...

PHP - how can I show \n \0 \t \x0B \r

How can I show these characters on a webpage? ...