
Hill climbing and single-pair shortest path algorithms

I have a bit of a strange question. Can anyone tell me where to find information about, or give me a little bit of an introduction to using shortest path algorithms that use a hill climbing approach? I understand the basics of both, but I can't put the two together. Wikipedia has an interesting part about solving the Travelling Sales Per...

Artificial Inteligence library in python

I was wondering if there are any python AI libraries similar to aima-python but for a more recent version of python... and how they are in comparison to aima-python. I was particularly interested in search algorithms such as hill-climbing, simulated annealing, tabu search and genetic algorithms. edit: made the question more clear. ...

Local optimums in Electric Fences

Hi, I'm writing a solution for the Usaco problem "Electric Fences". In the problem you have to find the optimal location for a point among a large amount of linesegments, so the sum of point-linesegment distances is smallest possible. I had an idea, that it might be possible to do a hillclimb, and it worked for all testcases. The given ...