
Histogram in R when using a binary value

I have data of students from several schools. I want to show a histogram of the percentage of all students that passed the test in each school, using R. My data looks like this (id,school,passed/failed): 432342 school1 passed 454233 school2 failed 543245 school1 failed etc' (The point is that I am only interested in the percent of s...

How can I plot a histogram of a long-tailed data using R?

I have data that is mostly centered in a small range (1-10) but there is a significant number of points (say, 10%) which are in (10-1000). I would like to plot a histogram for this data that will focus on (1-10) but will also show the (10-1000) data. Something like a log-scale for th histogram. Yes, i know this means not all bins are of...

Trying to create a histogram with ZedGraph

Hello, I am trying to create a histogram with ZedGraph. The bars and data are all good, the only thing needed is I would like my bars to be between tics instead of directly on tics. Sample data : 1, 4 2, 8 3, 1 means that I have : 4 items that are <= 0 and < 1 8 items that are <= 1 and < 2 1 item that is <= 2 and < 3 So currentl...

How do I scale the y-axis on a histogram by the x values in R?

I have some data which represents a sizes of particles. I want to plot the frequency of each binned-size of particles as a histogram, but scale the frequency but the size of the particle (so it represents total mass at that size.) I can plot a histogram fine, but I am unsure how to scale the Y-axis by the X-value of each bin. e.g. if I...

MATLAB: How to change color of imhist and size of window?

I have: img = imread('pic.jpg','jpg'); r = img(:,:,1); g = img(:,:,2); b = img(:,:,3); subplot(3,1,1); imhist(r); subplot(3,1,2); imhist(g); subplot(3,1,3); imhist(b); How can I change colors of the histogram to Red, Green and Blue? How can I change size of window tha appears? EDIT: Luis Miguel's answer regarding size of window work...