
what can you do with just binary or ternary raster operations ?

What soft of bit twiddling can and can't you do using binary or ternary raster arithmetic with blitting functions. Some more examples of bit twiddling: avoiding branches in chess programming, hacker's delight ...

HLSL Translucent Plastic Shader

Hi, I'm trying to produce a shader to replicate a white plastic object with a colored light inside. Either by having a shader that will be translucent and if I put a light inside the object the light will show through or by having a shader that fakes the effect of a light inside. The effect im going for is kinda like a light going thro...

Is there any kind of Java image filtering engine capable of using Cg or HLSL or GLSL filtering code on Google app engine server?

Is there any kind of Java image filtering engine/library/framework capable of using Cg or HLSL or GLSL filtering code on Google app engine runtime\servers? Has any one tried doing image manipulations/filtering with gae? ...

HLSL for getting cylinder effect

Hi all. I need to write an application with Silverlight 4 and need to show images like wrapped on cylinder. I need some HLSL code, as I wont to do that with Effects of Silverlight. I don't wont to do that with 3D libarries for silverlight. I only need HLSL code for changing pixels. I need for my image to look like this Thanks. ...

Rendering depth in HLSL

Hi folks this should be an easy task but for some reason I do not get it worked out... I just want to get a visualization of the depth in my scene using a shader: float4x4 matViewProjection; float4x4 matWorld; float4 eyePos; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 position : POSITION0; float depth : TEXCOORD0; }; VS_OUTPUT vs_main( VS_INPUT i...

Cg: Proper way to write/read from a floating point texture

I currently have a R8G8B8 floating point render target and want to use it as a R24 target. The code //cg out = float4(v, v, v, v); seems to clamp out between 0 and 1. What's the proper way to write/read to a floating point texture in Cg? ...

Problem with different version of pixelshader and vertexshader for spritebatch

I have tried to compile some pixel shader examples. But all of them give the same error message. "Cannot mix shader model 3.0 with earlier shader models. If either the vertex shader or pixel shader is compiled as 3.0, they must both be." The problem seems to be that the pixel shader uses ps_3_0 and sprite batch has earlier version. te...