
How to contain the width of an element so it does not overflow the body, but IS visible?

I'm trying to have an element with a greater width then the body, but not cause horizontal scrolling. http://jsfiddle.net/hYRGT/ This hopefully demonstrates my problem somewhat. The #header contains the #imghead and is set to 960px width. What I want is the browser to 'think' the page is 960px wide. Because #imghead is more wide then ...

WPF - ScrollViewer - how to enable horizontal scrolling with mouse

Hello, i cant find how to set scrollbar to scroll horizontaly with mouse. Vertical scrolling works good allways, but i need to scroll my content horizontaly. My code looks like this: <ListBox x:Name="receiptList" Margin="5,0" Grid.Row="1" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource...

How to show a PDF page by page using horizontal swipe in iphone ?

Hi, I want to create a page by page PDF reader. I know how UIWebView can be used to show the PDF but It will load the entire PDF and want to show one page at a time. The PDF is stored locally. Next and previous PDF Pages should be loaded depending on the horizontal swipe. How to show a single page along with horizontal Swipe and Zoo...

Flash stops my mouseover event at edge of embedded button

Hi All Thanks for reading, I couldn't explain well in my Title. I am working on a simple flash project. In Scene 1 I have a large image above and a long scrolling image below which is a movieclip called image_slider. The Scrolling is set with actionscript 3.0 mouse over event listener. When the user moves the mouse right image_slider mo...

Horizontal scrolling text in Android

I've been looking around for quite some time now, and I can't get a straight answer for my question. It's quite simple: How can I get a nice scrolling text just like the long app names in the Market when you select an application? ...

Horizontal Scrolling UITableView - Caveats?

Would it be as simple as applying a rotation transform? I'm willing to manage the content of my cells with a rotation transform. ...

jQuery scrollTo plugin - shaky scrolling with some content - Problem

Hey Community out there - here comes a tough one, at least for me. Maybe there is some help out there.I am working on a full page vertically/horizontally scrolling website that is powerd by the scrollTo plugin. In general all is working good and smooth but with some content, like the Nivo Slider, the scrolling becomes a bit shaky, like h...

Scrolling div inside another div

Here is my code: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div style="width:100%;"> <asp:FormView ID="fvXCAR" runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit" style="overflow:auto"> <ItemTemplate></ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <div style="width:800; overflow:auto;"> <asp:Table ID="tblXCAR" runat="server"></a...

Horizontal News Scroller in JavaScript

I think I would have gone through like a hundred websites but I do not seem to find the perfect horizontal news scroller for my website. My requirements are: 1) Must be smooth 2) Must scroll from right end of browser to left end (meaning 100% width) 3) Must be continuous (Meaning news-item-1 must be visible immediately after the last-ne...

How to add scrolling buttons to a data bound, horiztonal list

So I have a List, which contains items. Right now they are thumbnails of pictures. I wanted this list to be bound to a changing list in code behind, so I used a Listbox. However, I needed this box to flow horizontally. So it is styled as a StackPanel. Lastly, I want buttons to control the scrolling, not scrollbars. That's the part that d...