
MS hotfix delayed delivery.

I just requested a hotfix from and put in my email address, but I haven't received the email yet. The splash page I got after I requested the hotfix said: Hotfix Confirmation We will send these hotfixes to the following e-mail address: (my correct email address) Usually, our hotfix e-mail is deliver...

Where do you check to if a hotfix from Microsoft have been applied to any service packs?

I have a interest in a reported bug which Microsoft have made available a hotfix for. When looking on the site, I'm not able to figure out if this fix is included in a service pack or not. Do anyone know where I can find this out? ...

How to make a hotfix deployment using Visual Studio?

Let's say that you have a product that is written in Visual Studio and you provide your customers and users with an installer for that product. Then, you have some minor changes that you want to deploy to your users; you don't want your users to have to go through an uninstall process, backing up the configuration and then reinstalling ...

How do Microsoft (and other software companies with a large installed base) manage patch dependencies?

OS (usually security-based) patches and hotfixes that Microsoft releases to the community normally consist of, in my understanding, a series of updated DLLs or other binaries. How does Microsoft, and other companies like it, ensure that that hotfixes don't clash with each other? Do they always go for a cumulative patch approach, where ...

Patch vs. Hotfix vs. Maintenance Release vs. Service Pack vs....

When you are somewhere between version 1 and version 2, what do you do to maintain your software? The terms Patch, Hotfix, Maintenance Release, Service Pack, and others are all blurry from my point of view, with different definitions depending on who you talk to. What do you call your incremental maintenance efforts between releases? ...

Windows Update API c# code can't get update history

I'm writing a code to automatically patch Windows Operation Systems with security hotfixes in a corporate intranet. (I'm using Visual Studio .NET, thus .NET framework 1.1, and developing in c#.) As a first step, I'd like to list the hotfixes already applied to the system using the WUApi. I've added the reference to the "tlbimped" wuapi.d...

Does the latest Visual Studio 2005 Security Update cause C runtime library issues when hot fixing customer sites

As you might be aware an update to visual studio 2005 was auto updated on most machines last week. This update included a new version of the visual c runtime library. As a result any binaries built after the update also require a new redistributable installed on client systems. See And here is ...

Do I need to apply both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of a .NET Framework update?

There's a post-.NET 3.5 SP1 update which comes in x86 and x64 flavours: The KB article is here: List of the issues that are addressed by the Application Compatibility Update for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 There are two possible updates: NDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe NDP35SP1-KB958484-x64.exe Will the 64 bit edition also update...

Recommended Post-SP1 Visual Studio 2008 Hotfixes

Today I had to reinstall. I used to have some hotfixes installed for VS2008 but no longer have them and can't remember why they were necessary. I'm expecting any security-related hotfixes to come through Microsoft Update, but I'm interested in VS bug fixes. Does anyone have a list of hotfixes that they recommend installing for Visual St...

How to view the contents or the changes done in a msu file

Hi, I got an hotfix from microsoft (msu file). How can i find the contents or the changes done in that file? Thanks in advance. ...

Any way to install Visual Studio 2008 hotfixes automatically?

There are several hot fixes for VS 2008 sp1, but it's a mess to install them all manually one by one. Is there some kind of Visual Studio Updater, which installs all the necessary hot fixes automatically? ...

sharepoint approval workflow loop

Hi All, I am trying to set up a Approval workflow when item created and item updated event on a list and then update the approval status as workflow complete. Now when I create a new Item the workflow kicks off as expected. When I edit the same item and approve the item new workflow get started as the item get edit. It seems to be workf...

Visual Studio 2008 Workflow designer bug for referenced assemblies with same prefix namespace - any fixes?

In visual studio 2008 (SP1 applied) there appears to be a bug in the state workflow designer tool. On adding a HandleExternalEvent activity and setting the Interface type to that of an interface in a reference assembly with the same prefixed namespace (eg XX.Core.Contracts as the namespace of the interface containing assembly and XX.St...

List of available VS2010 hotfixes

With the regularity of VS2010 crashes increasing as I use it, I was looking for a list of hotfixes. This blog post says there is no official list, so let's make one (RTM only please). Or is this page sufficient instead: ? Insufficient Memory Error on Cut or Copy https://connect.mi...

Problems with VS2010, Framework 2.0 and KB979909

Our team has installed VS2010 on Friday afternoon. When I came into work on Monday morning, it appeared the installation of the .Net Framework (specifically the 2.0 part of it) was corrupted. Programs were complaining that they couldn't find 2.0 assemblies, and our main app was failing to start. Reflector wouldn't start because it couldn...

WMI Query for list of hotfixes installed in a system?

I am writing a perl script that will list the hotfixes installed in my system and check if any pre-requisite hotfixes are not available before beginning my program; So I need to be able to enumerate the list of hotfixes in the system; Here there is a mention of using wmic to generate a html file. Is it possible to do this via a WMI quer...

Linq, inserting record into cross reference table, hotfix not working

I have a cross reference table RolePrivilege that has FK to Role and Privilege tables....basically Role can have many Privileges. Hotfix located at Microsoft hotfix has already been applied. Here is my code: Public Sub InsertRolePrivilege(ByVal inrole As Role, ByVal inprivilege As Privilege) Dim r As Role = (From ro In DataC...

Windows Script Host & Quick Fix Engineering

Hello! I want to get list of installed windows hotfix and updates. I use script below: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colQuickFixes = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering") Set objDateTime = CreateOb...