
How do you write your own View engine for ASP.NET MVC?

I know that ASP.NET MVC will allow me to swap in various View engines that other people have created, but I am wondering how can I create my own View engine? More info: We have our own webforms based CMS and the main selling point about MVC is that it gives us cleaner HTML (which our designers would love). However we have a desire to cr...

Sample Hibernate program?

How would I write a simple program using Hibernate in Java, with MySQL as a backend? ...

The tutorial that helped your programming the most in 2008

In addition to this question I'd like to bring up a topic which can be very useful for many programmers. Despite language; What is the 2008 years best Programming Tutorial? Only regulations here are that it's published 2008 and that ...

Lambda expressions, how to search inside an object?

I'm starting to love Lambda expressions but I'm struggling to pass this wall: public class CompanyWithEmployees { public CompanyWithEmployees() { } public Company CompanyInfo { get; set; } public List<Person> Employees { get; set; } } My search: List<CompanyWithEmployees> companiesWithEmployees = ws.GetCompaniesWithEmploy...

Debugging Howto

Hi. I am new to C and I am using MS Visual C++ 6.0 for now. I am currently working on sorting algorithms and i want to track the values of each variable automatically. This may provide me insight on how the algorithm does the hard work. That is, I don't want to write what is produced by what on a paper :) Are there are any operators or f...

Starter guide for Apache ServiceMix

What is the definitive guide to start with Apache ServiceMix? The howto's and guides on the website are way too complicate for a clean start. ...

compile c code in vs 2005

Is there an easy way to compile c code in visual studio 2005? Its been a while(2-3 years) since I've done any coding in either c or c++, but I remember that you used to be able ti, in vs 2003, compile c code in visual studio. I thought it was just a matter of using an empty project(rather than, say a c++ project or a C# project) and gi...

What is the best way to find if code is running in a workflow?

I've got common code that can run in a number of execution enviroments - within IIS, within a WCF service, in a stand-alone application, or in a Windows Workflow instance. But what is the best way to check whether the code is running inside a Workflow? For the moment, I've been looking for WorkflowEnvironment.WorkflowInstanceID and catc...

Similar String algorithm

I'm looking for an algorithm, or at least theory of operation on how you would find similar text in two or more different strings... Much like the question posed here:, the difference being that my text strings will only ever be a handful of words. Like say I have...

Python with Netbeans 6.5

Can you give me some links or explain how to configure an existing python project onto Netbeans? I'm trying it these days and it continues to crash also code navigation doesn't work well and I've problems with debugging. Surely these problems are related to my low eperience about python and I need support also in trivial things as organ...

How do I learn Regular Expressions?

I been coding in php, perl, ruby, php for around 2 years. and i still having problem with regex. Is it any tip you have for learning regex? or Great Guide? Duplicate of ...

Implementing ACID

I am starting research on a project that will need to provide ACID semantics on its database. Due to the nature of the data it is not suitable for storage in common off-the-shelf systems (relational or key-value). What are some good resources on how to implement systems which must provide ACID semantics? My typical Google search ret...

Creating and Getting a Security Advisory Published

This question comes from my experience with the following question: In that question, you will see the effort I put fourth in debugging this crash in IE, and in doing so, I can see the potential threat of exploitation and remote code execution. So, be...

Get a list of dates between two dates

Using standard mysql functions is there a way to write a query that will return a list of days between two dates. eg given 2009-01-01 and 2009-01-13 it would return a one column table with the values: 2009-01-01 2009-01-02 2009-01-03 2009-01-04 2009-01-05 2009-01-06 2009-01-07 2009-01-08 2009-01-09 2009-01-10 2009-01-11 2009-01-12...

InstallPrintQueue: how to create a new port? (.net,c#)

I'm fighting here with System.Printing namespace of .net framework. And what i always saw as a wired thing in all the tools by MS to manage my printservers is they lack Port and Driver managing functionality. So I'm stuck here with a piece of code that works: PrintServer _ps = new PrintServer(PServer, PrintSystemDesiredAccess.Adminis...

How to clean up internet explorer cookies programmatically?

How to clean up internet explorer cookies programmatically? Is there some windows API function to do it? ...

How to select an element that has focus on it with jQuery

How can you select an element that has current focus? There is no :focus filter in jQuery, that is why we can use something like this: $('input:focus').someFunction(); ...

How can I make my application support plugins?

Hi again, i'm work in an aplication that need be capable of support plugins, but i dont know how this work. Anyone can help me? ...

Implementing Excel and VB's IRR function

I need to port the IRR function found in Excel and VB to ActionScript. Excel IRR formula Any idea how to find the "source" to such functions? does anyone have this implemented in some other c-like language? ...

How do I make a TLinkLabel work in Delphi?

I put a TLinkLabel on my form, filled it in with a caption including a valid HTML link, and got some nice blue underlined text. When I ran the program, I expected it to invoke Firefox (my default browser) and open the link automatically. Apparently that's not the case. The helpfile says I have to code this in an OnLinkClick event hand...