
Check which nodes of Beowulf HPC cluster system are free from PHP app?

I am working on my diploma thesis project. I have access to 32Node Dell poweredge HPC cluster system with Linux(Debian i think) installed on it. My first goal is to create web (PHP) app where logged users could see free and busy nodes, turn them on and off. I am planning to do something like this - write some cron daemon that would run e...

How to manipulate *huge* amounts of data

Hi there! I'm having the following problem. I need to store huge amounts of information (~32 GB) and be able to manipulate it as fast as possible. I'm wondering what's the best way to do it (combinations of programming language + OS + whatever you think its important). The structure of the information I'm using is a 4D array (NxNxNxN) ...

Using many mutex locks

I have a large tree structure on which several threads are working at the same time. Ideally, I would like to have an individual mutex lock for each cell. I looked at the definition of pthread_mutex_t in bits/pthreadtypes.h and it is fairly short, so the memory usage should not be an issue in my case. However, is there any performanc...

HPC (mainly on Java)

I'm looking for some way of using the number-crunching ability of a GPU (with Java perhaps?) in addition to using the multiple cores that the target machine has. I will be working on implementing (at present) the A* Algorithm but in the future I hope to replace it with a Genetic Algorithm of sorts. I've looked at Project Fortress but as ...

BCP task hangs while executing

Hey guys, We have a HPC node that runs some of our tasks in it. I have a task in my .net project that kicks the bcp utility on the HPC node and the output of the query that I have runs into 9 Mb. When the HPC node runs this task the output of the query is dumped into a file and then after it dumps around 5mb of data it suddenly stops ...

Error handling strategies for Microsoft HPC tasks

I have a .NET app that will be spawning tasks to run on an MS HPC cluster. We're not using any of that fancy DryadLINQ stuff, just remotely executing an exe on the cluster and passing arguments via the command line. The task will be .NET code, and I'd like the calling app to get an actual Exception object when an error occurs on HPC. Wh...

When is a program limited by the memory bandwidth?

I want to know if a program that I am using and which requires a lot of memory is limited by the memory bandwidth. When do you expect this to happen? Did it ever happen to you in a real life scenario? I found several articles discussing this issue, including http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~mccalpin/papers/bandwidth/node12.html http://www...

.net 4.0 Task Parallel Library vs. MPI.NET

Does .net 4.0 Task Parallel Library replace MPI.NET for High-performace computings? MPI.NET found here http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/mpi.net/svn/ is a high-performance, easy-to-use implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for Microsoft's .NET environment. MPI is the de facto standard for writing parallel programs running o...

Scalable / Parallel Large Graph Analysis Library?

I am looking for good recommendations for scalable and/or parallel large graph analysis libraries in various languages. The problems I am working on involve significant computational analysis of graphs/networks with 1-100 million nodes and 10 million to 1+ billion edges. The largest SMP computer I am using has 256 GB memory, but I also...

Please recommend an alternative to Microsoft HPC

We aim to implement a distributed system on a cluster, which will perform resource-consuming image-based computing with heavy storage I/O, having following characteristics: There is a dedicated manager computer node and up to 100 compute nodes. The cluster must be easily expandable. It is built around job-task concept. A job may have o...

Multiple levels of parallelism using OpenMP - Possible? Smart? Practical?

I am currently working on a C++ sparse matrix/math/iterative solver library, for a simulation tool I manage. I would have preferred to use an existing package, however, after extensive investigation, none were found that were appropriate for our simulator (we looked at flens, it++, PetSC, eigen, and several others). The good news is my...

How can I compile X11 statically?

I'm compiling parallel C code on a cluster (HECToR). Although I won't be running any parallel jobs interactively, my code contains some references to X11 functions which are used when it's run sequentially. The cluster I'm using doesn't support shared libraries, which rules out X11, at least in the way I've been using it so far. Could ...

Large-scale pseudoinverse

I would like to compute the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of an enormous matrix. Ideally, I would like to do it on a matrix that has 23 million rows and 1000 columns, but if necessary I can reduce the number of rows to 4 million by only running on one part of my experiment. Obviously, loading the matrix in to memory and running SVD on it...

Open Source or Free .NET HPC Implementations

I'm trying to find out how feasible it would be to create a compute grid using Windows XP, Vista and 7 machines. I know that there is already Windows HPC Server 2008 out there, but when looking into the cost it was basically a situation of if you have to ask, you can't afford it. I did find MPI.NET, however this looks like it hasn't be...

Accessing dependent files without sharing in condor

Hi Everyone I have 6 windows machine on which condor can run the jobs, when I'm running the interdependent files(one file calling other file) on condor,I'm supposed to share(requires Administrative access,) the calling file to everyone on the machine where i'm running the jobs, and it is happens that the submitted file generates output...

Configuring CUDA and OpenCV with Visual Studio on 64 bit machine

Hi. I have been trying to configure OpenCV2.1 and CUDA3.1 on Visual Studio 2008 on a 64bit Windows XP machine, since past 1 week. But all in vain. OpenCV alone is working fine. CUDA3.1 alone is working fine as well. I am using CUDA3.1 for 64 bit ... But for OpenCV, I am using 32 bit installation (as provided on Source Forge) - Possible ...

Pass a Parameter object (PSCredential) inside a ScriptBlock programmatically in C#

I am trying to run an HPC cmdlet programmatically to change HPC install credential on a remote computer. If run the cmdlet locally, it's pretty straightforward: Runspace rs = GetPowerShellRunspace(); rs.Open(); Pipeline pipeline = rs.CreatePipeline(); PSCredential credential = new PSCrede...

ANT Problems: net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties

I am attempting to install software onto my Debian Lenny server. Specifically, Capture-HPC. I have setup VMWare server, along with all the prerequisites. When I go to run ant in the directory, i get the following error: [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found. A...