
Altering href with jQuery no longer triggers a:visited style

My SharePoint site needs to preserve the a:visited style defined in CSS for links. I added the following code, which appends "&Source=/" to each href. It seems that by changing the href via jQuery, the browser only "sees" the original href and therefore never triggers the a:visited style as there's no match... $("table[class...

Is there a compatible way to write href?

for example,in file test.php: <a href="someting/?start=1">go</a>; so that no matter where this test.php is, can be in Document_Root/Test/ directory, or can be in Document_Root/Production/ directory, the anchor will point to itself. ...

Prototype hide the div that has a specific link (<a href)

I have the following HTML: <div> <a href=""&gt; Google </a></div> I am using prototype library. I need to hide the div that has the link with it. Thank you. ...

getting href value of from <a> tag

hi, I have below html: <div class="threeimages" id="txtCss"> <a> <img alt="Australia" src="/Images/Services%20button_tcm7-9688.gif"/> </a> <div class="text" id="txtLink"> <h2> <a href="/partnerzone/downloadarea/school-information/australia/index.aspx">Australia</a> </h2> ...

A link isn't working in IE6

I'm working on the following page: I want the whole block at the left to be clickable. In Firefox it's fine, but in IE6 the cursor doesn't even change to a hand. Any ideas? ...

HTML: remove a:hover for images?

For text links, I have: CSS: a:link {color: #3366a9; text-decoration: none} a:hover {border-bottom: 1px solid; color: black} But this also adds a black underline on linkable IMGs that I do not want. How do I remove the border-bottom on linkable IMGs when hovered using CSS? I've tried the following: a:hover img {border-bottom: 0px...

jQuery attr href, why isn't it working?

I thought the following line of code should work fine: $(".1").attr('href', '#Home'); Right? But why isn't it working when I integrate it with another jQuery script? $(window).bind("load", function() { $('.1').click(function() { $('.1').removeClass('tab1'); $('.2').removeClass('active2'); $('.3').removeClass('active3...

JavaScript Function in HREF vs OnClick()

I want to run a simple JavaScript function on a click, that is NOT a redirect. Is there any difference or benefit between putting the JavaScript call in <A HREF="javascript:my_function();window.print()" ></A> vs. putting it in the onclick event? ...

Intercepting mouse over href from Firefox extension

How can I know the url under the mouse cursor from a firefox extension? I need to interact with the href from within the overlay.js file. I'd want a lightweight solution, for example I don't want to attach some event to all hrefs found in a page. I'd rate a mouseover solution but how can't find anything useful for me! Thanks ...

href links in cakephp

hi, In CakePHP,if i give href links as href="/css/main.css" it is not refering to the css folder in the webroot. Only when I mention href="http://localhost/cake/app/webroot/css/main.css" the css gets applied. <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" media="screen,projection" /> This does not apply the specied c...

datepicker - open popup by clicking a href tag

I wonder how I can call the datepicker script from a link, something like <div id="datepicker_popup"><a href="#">Choose Date</a></div> and submit the chosen date to a PHP page. Any ideas? Thanx, chris ...

Force any HREF in an IFrame to use its parent as the target

I'm currently using an IFrame to sandbox user generated content on a website. This eliminates any styling issues with our main stylesheets. However, when a user generates a link using our rich text editor, we would like the link to open in the parent and not just open the link in the IFrame. I realize you can set a target to the paren...

How to find the url using the referer and the href in Python?

Suppose I have window_location = '' href = '/users/48465/jader-dias' I want to obtain link = '' How do I do it in Python? It have to work just as it works in the browser ...

File:// link doing nothing in all browsers

I have a link being generated that looks like so: <a target="_blank" title="Test" href="file:///c:/test.xls">Test</a> This link is inside an iframe. When I click on it (in any major browser), nothing happens. Fiddler records no traffic. Pasting the URL into the nav bar works fine - the file download box comes up, and I can download ...

What does "javascript:void(0)" mean?

<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="loginlink">login</a> I've seen such hrefs many times, but I don't know what exactly that means. ...

Shadowbox loads old href and not new href

I have a code that replaces href's using Jquery, .attr({ href : newpath }); and I am using Shadowbox. After changing the href and loading shadowbox, the shadowbox loads the old href instead of the new one. For example : <a id ="shadowboxlink" href="images/firstimage.jpg" rel="shadowbox">shadowbox link</a> then the jquery would be som...

Problem in retrieving a value through $_GET method in php.

I have a link and on clicking it, a function is called. In that function, I set the href attribute to pass an id variable. If I alert the href value, I see the correct url along with the Id. But in the corresponding function in the controller, If I do an $_GET of that variable Id, I do not get the value. What is the error? This is my li...

invalid html (href target tag)

I've curious how this should be properly done. I ran a page im working on through the w3 html validateor and I got one error message Line 47, Column 54: Attribute "target" exists, but can not be used for this element.** <ul><li><a href="./jobops/1000 Design PM.pdf" target="blank">1000 Design PM</a></li> You have used the attribute ...

Hovering <a> in CSS without href

I need a picture to change upon hovering over it. I got that working in CSS by changing the z-index upon hovering over it. However, I don't want anyone to click on it. Thus, I have removed the href from the tag. I have heard that this is a problem for IE6, however I have read that such is within the specifications of even XHTML, which i...

Browser opening text/xml in external program

Is there a smart way to - from a browser - open hrefs to text files and XML files in an external program. My target platform is Win32 so preferably I'd have the files open in the default editor for it (as set in explorer.exe). The solution must work in Firefox. It's a bonus if it works in IE and Crome. My html is generated from a local...