Hi guys,
I'm working on a program that parses data from a file and stores it into a HSQLDB database. As the parser encounters data it creates entities which are mapped to the database using JPA/Hibernate. My problem is that while the parsing is being performed the application uses more and more memory. I have successfully used cached ta...
I was working on migrating data from MYSQL to HSQL. In MYSQL data file, there are plenty of records where date values are set as '0000-00-00' and HSQL database throws below error
"data exception: invalid datetime format / Error Code: -3407 / State: 22007"
for all such records.
I would like to know what could be optimum solution for t...
I'm using hibernate as my jpa provider and want it to create a
in-memory hsqldb on startup using:
But for some reason I get exceptions like below in my logs.
Things seems to work otherwise. Is it a hibernate or hsqldb problem?
I'm limited to using jpa 1 so I'm using
hsqldb and hibernate 3.3.0.SP...
Using hibernate and Hsqldb - a list of objects are session.merged through a transaction. When session.flush() is called I get a "duplicate column name in column list: x" where x is the first column.
The database table has no duplicate columns and I am able to read the data allright. The table does contain a composite primary key which...
When trying to spy on the jdbc connection to a hsqldb database it doesn't work.
It looks like the org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver is not deregistered.
I am taking my first steps developing web apps using eclipse,jee,hibernate,spring and hsqldb.
I installed helios version of eclipse and installed wtp through the updater.But trying to install the plugins for others ,I am having doubts..
I tried the download jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/ as the hostname in updater a...
I was trying to connect to a hsql db..
I created one by running from C:\myhsql
java -cp .;C:\hsql\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:db\mydb -dbname.0 MYDB
This created mydb in a directory called db,This folder now has a .lck,tmp,script,properties files with name mydb
And similar files with name MYDB in curr...