
How to change RGB color to HSV?

How to change RGB color to HSV? In C# language. I search for very fast method without any external library. ...

How do I convert RGB into HSV in Cocoa Touch?

I want to set the background color of a label using HSV instead of RGB. How do I implement this into code? Code: //.m file #import "IBAppDelegate.h" @implementation IBAppDelegate @synthesize label; { self.label.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f green:0.8f ...

Converting an rgb image to hsv

Hi, I'm trying to convert an rgb image to the equivalent hsv one in C#. I found several algorithms to do the conversion but couldn't find how to save these values of an image after calculating it. For example after the calculation h = 287, s = 0.5, v = 0.34 . Where should I save these values in the image file to convert it to the equiv...


In PHP, what is the most straightforward way to convert a RGB triplet to HSV values? ...

MySQL Spatial search for HSV (color) values?

Is it possible to use MySQL's spacial search to find points inside of a 3D polygon? Or better still, is it possible to use MySQL to find the values on the surface of an HSV cylinder? ...

PHP Work out colour saturation

Hi there, lets say i have the following RGB values: R:129 G:98 B:87 Photoshop says the saturation of that colour is 33% How would i work out that percentage using PHP and the RGB values? ...

Convert RGB value to HSV

I've found a method on the Internet to convert RGB values to HSV values. Unfortunately, when the values are R=G=B, I'm getting a NaN, because of the 0/0 operation. Do you know if there is an implemented method for this conversion in Java, or what do I have to do when I get the 0/0 division to get the right value of the HSV? Here comes ...

Colour Name to RGB/Hex/HSL/HSV etc

Hello all, I have come across this great function/command. Colour to RGB, you can do this: col2rgb("peachpuff") //returns hex It will return one hex value. I want to extend this using Perl, Python or PHP but I want to be able to pass in, for example, "yellow" and the function returns all types of yellows - their hex/rgb/?/etc value. ...

How to interpolate hue values in HSV colour space?

Hi, I'm trying to interpolate between two colours in HSV colour space to produce a smooth colour gradient. I'm using a linear interpolation, eg: h = (1 - p) * h1 + p * h2 s = (1 - p) * s1 + p * s2 v = (1 - p) * v1 + p * v2 (where p is the percentage, and h1, h2, s1, s2, v1, v2 are the hue, saturation and value components of the two ...

Strange problem when converting RGB to HSV

Hi, I made a small RGB to HSV converter algorithm with C. It seems to work pretty well, but there is one strange problem: If I first convert i.e. a 800x600 picture into HSV map and then back to RGB map without doing any changes in the values, I get some pixels that are convertet incorrectly. Then if I try to convert those misbehaving si...

Stable random color algorithm

Here we have an interesting real-world algorithm requirement involving colors. 1) Nice random colors: In ordeeing to draw a beautifull chart (i.e: pie chart) we need to pick a random set of Colors that: a) are different enought b) Play nicely Doesnt Look hard. For example u fix bright and saturation and divide hue in steps of 360/N...

jQuery - color cycle animation with hsv colorspace?

Hi there, I am working on a project, which I need a special body-background for. The background-color should cycle through the color spectrum like a mood light. So I found this: http://buildinternet.com/2009/09/its-a-rainbow-color-changing-text-and-backgrounds/ "But" this snippet is working with the RGB colorspace which has some very l...

PHP HSV to RGB formula comprehension

I can convert RGB values to HSV with the following code... $r = $r/255; $g = $g/255; $b = $b/255; $h = 0; $s = 0; $v = 0; $min = min(min($r, $g),$b); $max = max(max($r, $g),$b); $r = $max-$min; $v = $max; if($r == 0){ $h = 0; $s = 0; } else { $s = $r / $max; $hr = ((($max - $r) / 6) + ($r / 2)) / $r; $hg = (...