
How can I use HTML::FormFu for jQuery AJAX form validation?

Are there any examples I can look at that use HTML::FormFu with AJAX form validation and submission? I would really not like to write my validation routines three times (once in JS, once in FormFu constraints, and once in DBIC models), so I'd really like a way that's integrated with HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC if possible. ...

How can I use XML::Simple to configure HTML::FormFu?

I assume you can use XML::Simple with HTML::FormFu because FromFu uses Config::Any to load it's config data. However, I can't seem to find any sample xml configs being used with HTML::FormFu. Not only am I getting an error. I'm not sure my xml is structured correctly to create the desired form. For example, on options, formfu wants an a...

Multiple submit buttons in HTML::FormFu

Using formfu with catalyst. Don't really get how to do this. Can someone give short example please. Thanks ...