
.NET MVC - Add FORM variable as URI-path parameter

Hi, I have a similar question like this, only then in ASP.NET MVC. Basically I have this route: /{Controller}/{Action}/{Id} I have a HTML form like this: <form action="/Controller/Action"> <input type="text" name="Id" id="Id" /> <input type="submit" value="Send" /> </form> The form is created like so: <% =Html.BeginFor...

Is Html.BeginForm() necessary?

What does Html.BeginForm() do and is it necessary? Sometimes I forget to put it on a form that takes user input but things still seem to work. What am I missing out on when I don't have it? ...

ASP.Net MVC Routing issue with Html.BeginForm

Using MVC, I have an html form helper in my view: using (Html.BeginForm("ActionOne", "ControllerOne")) ... Using the default route, the output for the action attribute is as expected: <form action="/ControllerOne/ActionOne" ... But registrering a new route with seemingly no matches affects the output. Routing code: public static ...

Html.BeginForm and HTML Attributes w/o specifying Controller and Action

I like the cleanliness of using (Html.BeginForm()) And hate that adding HTML attributes requires specifying the controller, action, and form method. using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "inactivate-form" }) Is there a way to use Html.BeginForm and specify HTML attributes for the form without ...

Create Extension Method to Produce Open & Closing Tags like Html.BeginForm()

Hi Guys I wonder if it's possible to create an extension method which has functionality & behaviour similar to Html.BeginForm(), in that it would generate a complete Html tag, and I could specificy its contents inside <% { & } %> tags. For example, I could have a view like: <% using(Html.BeginDiv("divId")) %> <% { %> <!-- Form con...

Html.BeginForm in partial for a different controller

I have the following code: <% using (Html.BeginForm("AddComment", "Comments", FormMethod.Post)) { %> <div id="New_Comment"> <textarea name="newComment" id="newComment">Add comments</textarea> <input type="submit" value="Add" /> <div><span class="text_grey">Attach:</span><a href="#" class="link_text_grey">File</a> <a href="#" class="link...

Passing values between View and Controller in MVC 2

I'm constantly confused about how to pass values between Views and Controllers in MVC. I know I can set ViewData in the Controller and use that in the View, but what about the other way around? What I have found is I can use a hidden field and then access it through Request.Form["name"] like this: <% using (Html.BeginForm("Upload", "Cu...

Adding dynamic parameters with Html.BeginForm and jQuery submit

// html <% using (Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "MyController", new { id = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["id"] }, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", class="myForm" })) { %> <input type="file" name="blah" /> <% } %> // script $container.find('.myButton')....

ASP.NET MVC 2 - simple increment value in database by submit in view

I'm guessing is very simple, but I'm learning MVC 2 right now and I'm stuck. I've got strongly typed view with some fields and buttons which should change something in database by click on them. So it is code <% using (Html.BeginForm("UpVote", "Home",FormMethod.Post,new { linkId = link.LinkID })) {%> <input type="submit" val...