
What does this expression mean: "javascript:{}"

I have a sample application which has something like below. <a href="javascript:{}" id="anchorlnk">Go</a> which javascript function does the link call? ...

Non-collapsing but still (line-)breakable space in HTML?

What can I use in HTML if I want to have whitespace in the middle of the line that looks like three spaces, but can still be broken if the line gets too long? Regular whitespace gets collapsed (a run of spaces looks the same as a single space), and at the non-breaking space (&nbsp) the line cannot be broken. Update: I think what I real...

is there a difference between absolute and relative paths when pointing to certain files on your html?

our office just got this new guy with lots of experience and kept insisting that we stop using absolute paths like: when pointing to a path of our image when it resides next to the file that calls it say we could have just used: ./subdir1/images/filename.ext but the reason why we used abso...

How to retrieve the text between two html markup with c# ?

How to retrieve the text between two html markup with c# ? Edit : This is the only purpose of my question, "how to retrieve the string within two html markup using c#", that's all. ...


I am desperately seeking a solution to converting HTML + CSS (2.1) to RTF in PHP. While I have found a superb solution for HTML to PDF in Prince XML, I've yet to find anything that: can convert HTML to RTF (or DOC); runs on a Linux server; is callable from PHP; handles paged media and the ability to add page headers and footers; and h...

count number of list elements?

I've got a list that is generated from some server side code, before adding extra stuff to it with jQuery I need to figure out how many items are already in it. <ul id="mylist"> <li>Element 1</li> <li>Element 2</li> </ul> Any ideas? ...

Expand a link to show image without using javascript

Hi. I have a page with some text and links. I want to display image there itself on clicking those links. However, I am bound of not using javascript at all. All I can use is some server side component like PHP. Thanks ...

php/html - http_referer

Hi I am creating a website and on one particular page, am wanting to send the user back to the previous page. I am fairly new to PHP/HTML and have been using some existing code for ideas and help. The existing code uses the following method: if (! empty($HTTP_REFERER)) { header("Location: $HTTP_REFERER"); } else { header("Lo...

Text Input with descriptive text

Hello, I was wondering if there's an easy way with javascript (including JQuery, which we're using on the site) to put descriptive text in a text input until the user clicks it to type in their own text. For instance I'd like to put the word 'Search' in a text input (preferrably in a lighter color than real input) until the user click...

padding a text input in IE... possible?

I have a text input with a search buton absolute positioned over it... to make space for the button I used some padding to keep the text from going under the button, which is fine, it works in firefox, but not IE. In fact... It doesn't seem like padding on text inputs works at all in IE. They have the following code <style type="text...

Visited link color changes

I have this class: .news_item_info { font-size: .7em; color:#000000; text-indent: 30px; a:link { color: #000000; } a:visited { color: #000000; } } Here its with code: <div class="news_item_info"> <?php echo $articles[$index]->getPoints(); ?> puntos por <span class="news_item_user"><a href="/index.php?actio... - How to render html tags in a ListItem text property?

Hi, I have a DropDownList control that is populated via server side. I use a For Each [datarow] loop and create a New ListItem In the DataRow is a column with the ID 'Title'; this field may contain either <B> or <I> tags. (ex. "[Title] in <i>[Parent Title]</i>") The problem I am facing is when I [DropDownList].Controls.Add([ListItem]...

Is the 'name' attribute considered outdated for <a> anchor tags?

Visual Studio doesn't like on-page anchor tags: Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Attribute 'name' is considered outdated. A newer construct is recommended. I'm using name attributes in this way <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "

Speed up html form development

I have to build an web app with a large amount of forms. Does anyone have a favourite tool to speed this development up? This isn't complicated but writing them by hand will take me ages... I've used wufoo in the past and like the interface, so short of any other suggestions I'll probably go with that ...

How to Exclusively Select Radio Buttons if name attribute is deprecated?

I learned that the name attribute has been deprecated. But this is how I performed exclusive selection of radio buttons on the form. How do I do it now without using JavaScript? <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male">Male</input> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female">Female</input> ...

HTML Strict & CSS: How do I close the gap?

In the following web page, there is a gap of a few pixels between the image and the div. (I've tested in Firefox 3 and Safari 4.) How can I close the gap? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen...

Very simple web page won't display on IE but will on everything else

Hi, I have just started making web pages and I'm having lots of trouble with this very simple web page. I can't make anything appear on IE but it works fine on everyother browser. I'll take the liberty of putting all the code in my question because it is really short. If anyone could help me it would be great! The html is: <!DOCTYPE h...

HTML form submission with no submit button

I've got a form like this: <html> <body> <form onSubmit="alert('Just got submitted');"> <p> Hello: <input class="field" type="text"/><br/> Goodbye: <input class="field" type="text"/><br/> </p> </form> </body> </html> which in one browser submits happily on user...

track and display changes in html

I am looking for a tool to display/track changes in text a little bit like it is done on stackoverflow when a question is edited. Does anybody know of a tool to achieve that? ...

Submit ajax form on keyboard close without a submit button on the iphone?

I'm having trouble with AJAX form submitting on the iphone. I have a search field at the top with no submit button. My plan is to submit the form when the user hits "Go" or "Search" on the iphone keyboard. Anybody got any ideas? Edit: I have the ajax working but I cant seem to get the keyboard to close after I press search. Here is the...