How can i access html control from code behind in asp.net. I do not want to use "runat=server" as it is causing problems.
I have made an empty html table and from my code behind, I want to add <td> to it.
Please help.
In a web-based system I maintain at work that recently went live, it makes an Object element to embed a second web page within the main web page. (Effectively the main web page contains the menu and header, and the main application pages are in the object)
For example
<object id="contentarea" standby="loading data, please wait..."
I'm looking for a way of generating mhtml from a page in my asp.net web app.
I've seen this website and played with the code but i don't really want to use interop.cdo and interop.adodb. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/aspnethtml2mht.aspx
Other than generating all the mhtml myself i'm a bit stumped....
Anyone got any clever ideas?...
Is there any way one can get tooltip on a Silverlight Control just like an image has "Alt" text in ??
If a form is submitted but not by any specific button, such as
by pressing Enter
using HTMLFormElement.submit() in JS
how is a browser supposed to determine which of multiple submit buttons, if any, to use as the one pressed?
This is significant on two levels:
calling an onclick event handler attached to a submit button
the data s...
I am generating a page which renders a list of linkbuttons and labels. Now I want a javascript that parses the inner text of these controls and makes bold those with keywords that match like Google does while rendering a list of websites with linkbutton and its description.
How should i proceed ?
If I have two layers on a page, split horrizontally, with the second layer overlapping part of the first layer, is it possible to make it "click through"?
I have links in the first layer, which the second layer overlaps, which stops the links from being clickable. Is there a way to make the layer display, but be click through, while sti...
I have a page with a 100% width/height flash movie that is overlayed with HTML. Yeah, this site is a best-practice breaker.
One of the HTML overlays is a invisible div I use as a "magic detector". There is an element that slides in/out on the page, I use the invisible div to create a "hot area" around this element, so that the element w...
In HTML attribute name=value pairs, what are the characters allowed for the 'name' portion? ..... Looking at some common attributes it appears that only letters (a-z and A-Z) are used, but what other chars could be allowed as well?... maybe digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.) ... is there any spec for this?
possible duplicate: What tools to automatically inline CSS style to create email HTML code ?
note from author: Oh yeh, definitely duplicate. Sorry.
In general, HTML emails do not support proper CSS techniques.
However, it's nice to develop in these techniques because it makes it a lot quicker to play around with changes etc. (I don't...
I have an administrative area with some elements (2 fields text and ID and sort field) and each elements can be manage by create/edit/delete actions
And I think that I can make it easier by using textarea, where administrator can operates items as a text
where each item is included into ...
I want to customize tiny mce according to my needs. If someone have any idea about it please help me.
The issue is when you add tiny mce to your page it is positioned after your textarea in HTML dom. ie.
<textarea class="fckEditor required" name="data[Banneramend][summary]" id="data[Banneramend][summary]" style="display: none;"/>
My text file contains 2 lines:
<IMG SRC="/icons/folder.gif" ALT="[DIR]"> <A HREF="yahoo.com.jp/">yahoo.com.jp/</A>
In my Perl script, I have:
my $String =~ /.*(HREF=")(.*)(">)/;
print "$2";
and my output is the following:
Output 1: yahoo.com.jp
Output 2: ><HR>
What I am trying to achieve is have my Perl script automa...
I've been stumped on this problem for over a week :( Any insight into this problem would be hugely appreciated!
How do I link a jQuery UI number spinner/stepper (http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Spinner) so that a label text value changes as the spinner value increments or decrements?
<script type="text/javascript">
Is there a more efficient way than
<div style="height: 6px;"></div>
To make a "narrow" line break? i.e. narrower than
text text text<br/><br/>
I am trying to figure out a way to display an archive of email newsletters on my client's site. The issue is that the newsletters are full of a zillion inline styles, which is great for seeing them in Outlook or wherever, but they're not looking too hot in an otherwise-nicely styled site.
My goal is for my client to be able to copy t...
I am aware that there are probably other questions regarding this topic. I guess that every web developer goes through this with IE.
My problem:
I am developing a web-based application fully based on Javascript. I am a Mac user. I was really happy that everything worked great in Safari, Firefox and Opera. I then asked a friend with W...
For design websites is it better to do it your self by learning HTML/CSS or using web design programs? and why?
I've got a hard coded HTML table with our little phone list and I've got the empty stations in a footer so they don't get sorted by tablesorter. However, this also excludes them from being zebra striped by tablesorter as well. Is there a way to make tablesorter see the footer for zebra purposes but not for sorting? Or should I just us...
I have writen options to a <select> using something like
Id.innerHTML = "<option value='foo'>Foo</option>";
But on submission i get no value from the option? How can i correct this?