Has anybody else encountered this. Whenever the images are intially loaded by the browser it only shows the last-half of the image. Then when I mouse over anywhere in the green section it immediately displays the rest of the image.
What you're seeing here is a <div> with a background-image and a <img> located within said <div>.
I'm e...
Using JavaScript, how can I dynamically change one of the list-items below from this:
<ul class="tabbernav">
<li class="tabberactive"><a title="All">All</a></li>
<li class=""><a title="One">One</a></li>
<li class=""><a title="Two">Two</a></li>
<li class=""><a title="Three">Three</a></li>
<ul class="tabbernav">
<li class="tab...
some designs on the Apple's user's webpage show a photo that is tilted slightly, like at a 5 or 10 degree angle. while this is no big deal, it does make the webpage totally different from "all the rest".
is it true that currently using HTML or CSS, this can't be done yet?
like the big photo in the middle:
(the program lets you choo...
line after IFRAME is not visible in both IE and FF. refer the below code and let me know whether I am doing anything wrong.
line before iframe <br />
<iframe src="about:blank" />
<br /> line after iframe
Walking the line here, I know, but... How does StackOverflow show the revision changes in the diff-like format they use.
I don't care about SO per-se, it's just a convenient way to describe my requirement. I have an audit history of changes to a text field. I'd like to show the changes the same way SO shows revision history changes. I ...
Is there a quick way or function that would tell me true/false if all check boxes are deselected? Without going through array? (with JS and HTML)
All my check boxes have the same name...
<form action="/cgi-bin/Lib.exe" method=POST name="checks" ID="Form2">
<input type=checkbox name="us" value="Joe" ID="Checkbox1">
<input type=c...
I'd like to match the contents within each paragraph in html using a python regular expression. These paragraphs always have BR tags inside them like so:
<p class="thisClass">this is nice <br /><br /> isn't it?</p>
I'm currently using this pattern:
pattern = re.compile('<p class=\"thisClass\">(.*?)<\/p>')
Then I'm using:
If I have HTML content in a variable like so:
var data = "<div id='myid'><div id='subid'>Text</div></div>";
Is there a way to query this using jQuery and selectors?
As this, if it were HTML DOM:
var data = $("#myid > #subid").text();
What are the main reasons someone would use HTML's tbody in a table, just for formatting purposes?
I use "head" and "body" generally, I haven't used "thead" and "tbody".
Well in a previous question I asked the same thing, but the answer that i doesn't prevent a submit when the user is in a text-box.
So basically what i need is the ability to keep a person from submitting a form unless the explicitly click the submit button.
basically the main reason for doing this is that this is an employer sur...
Hello guys, I've made a structure to retrieve from database, based on the role given, to return menu itens.
Now, I need to make a recursive method to render this HTML in the controller and pass this HTML to view. But i just don't know how to write native HTML in the controller.
Any suggestions?
I'm working on a website for my county's fair. I want to allow my visitors to be able to ask me questions by inputing their name, email, and comment in a form like this one:
So I guess my real question is how can I send an email (using JavaScript/JQuery) to myself with all these fields as the main body of the email.
My item template in gridview is marked up like this.
Where do I add the tags?
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<% Eval("datacol") %>'
since IE won't render XHTML as XHTML, but treat it as HTML instead, when can this actually cause problems for IE?
In HTML, are the <script> elements allowed to be external and use <script src="myscript.js"> even when in the <body> of the document?
I have a list defined like so:
<ul id="myList" class='myClass'>
<li class="myItemClass">Item 1</li>
<li class="myItemClass">Item 2</li>
using .NET how can I add items to the list dynamically? I also need to specify the class name on each new item
*I would like to use single a href link to call different functions .
On first click it should call first_function() and on second click it should call second_function. Like toggling between two functions using same link. Suggest the best way to be done.*
Jquery Code :
$(function() {
var IntervalId;
function first_function() {
The code of the first function shows three different divs on specific Interval 5seconds (div1,div2,div3).
The code of the second function used to stop showing the divs.
while showing div2 , I clicked the link to stop at that point it got stopped.But after that i clicked it again and it shows div1 (its getting toggling fine) but i would...
How to make the "< a href" tag refer to nothing?
because I use jQuery
I need to make some anchor taks refer to nothing
I usually write it like this
<a href="#">link</a>
however this refer to the top of the page!
i've got a very simple CSS example detailed below. The .entry class generates a simple box with a 1px black border. the example below, will render "123" within the box and "abc" and "xyz" outside the box because those elements are tagged with float left and right. My goal is to have .box1 inside .entry aligned left, and .box2 inside...