
HTML how to move through columns

Hi, I have the following code: $(document).ready(function() { var id = 'cbx'; var idPrefix = 'Arrow'; var html = '<img .../>'; // query parent row var rowq = $('#' + id); if (rowq.length < 1) { rowq = $('.' + id); VersionHeader = true; ...

CSS - Styling seems to hamper URL display in Firefox

Hello, In the code below, $row['site'] is an URL. In Chrome and IE8, it displays fine. In Firefox 3.0.11, it only displays everything up until the second forward slash. So "" is only displayed as "". I believe this is because of the CSS that I am using, but I can't quite figure out how...

html compare

hi.. has anyone here used some sort of html compare tool, can anyone give me some suggestion on which html compare tool to use? i need this tool to compare the design of a website. the thing is i dont want to compare the code html, but the output design. is this even possible? also is there any opensource program of this kind? ive sear...

What's the easiest way to escape HTML in Python?

cgi.escape seems like one possible choice. Does it work well? Is there something that is considered better? ...

To disable image

hi guys, i have an html image .In its onclick i have written code to show calendar.I want to disable that image ,means i should not be able to click that image,but image should be visible.I want to disable the onclick event of image,Can anybody help? ...

Save HTML (as is) to SQL 2005 table

Given the following HTML "<b>demo</b>" I want to save it to an SQL 2005 table Mandatory, no encoded, no escaped characters in the saved field from database Saved html must be as small as possible On my efforts, my stored html is always saved as encoded &gt; html EDIT: Debugging my code I found that my HTML string is sended encoded to m...

Form calls 2 php functions

I have an html form which uses a php file to submit data by email. I want to add some code (which I already have) to generate random numbers for spam protection. Can I call another php file within my form? Here is the code that goes in the form: <form name="mail" action="go.php" method="post" onsubmit="return CheckData()"> <input typ...

CSS - Left and Right alignment on the same line

Hello, Below is some sample code, which has all the links right-justified. I would like to change the CSS so the "Left" link is left-justified, the others are right-justified, but they are all on the same line. How do I do that? Thanks in advance, John The HTML: <div class="mainlinks"> <a href="left.php" class="links">Left</...

select multiple options

banging my head against the wall for something seemingly dead simple. Here it is: <html> <head></head> <body> <form method="post" action="action.php"> <div><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="Newspaper"> <span >Newspaper</span></div> <div><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="PC"> <span >PC</span></div> <div><input...

Html: Should characters in <pre><code> be html encoded?

Writing documentation in html here, and that requires some code examples of course. What I am wondering is what to do with characters that in general should be replaced with & and > etc. Should they be encoded in this case too? Cause when I have these characters inside of <pre><code> tags they display like they should as far as I can see...

How does one pass html to page in View through ViewData in ASP.NET MVC?

Okay, so maybe this is a no no in the MVC pattern in which case, that's the answer I'm looking for. However, let's say I have some content html in a database and I want to pass it through to the view. I am assuming I could use a ViewData property to pass this through to the page. What sort of massaging do I need to do to the string to ge...

Need to have spacing between end of div and beginning of paragraph

I have text within a paragraph tag that that fits snug on the bottom of a div, which you will see in this picture: I could put some padding at the bottom of the div to fix this, but there might be multiple divs, depending on how many items are on that page. What I need to do, is put some spacing betwee...

How to give parameters in the url?

The question raised from the question here. In order to have search engines in Browser, I need to find a way to get the parameters to url. Suppose you have Google Sites where you have Google Gadget. The gadget has a search box. How can you give the search parameters to the search box? ...

Is there any good reason for javascript to be inline

I've been building a site. At some stage I noticed that IE display was a little broken and Chrome had all but rendered nothing but the body tag (empty), and FF all looked good. After throwing my keyboard around the room and bashing my head against my mouse, I discovered the problem. I had left (don't ask how or why, must have been som...

How to write "on form submit complete" using javascript?

I have a form loading inside my page and there is a button out side this form its function is to submit this form. $('#MyForm').submit(); I want a way to write a submit complete function, means to know that the form successfully/completely submitted. I tried the jquery form plugin, but didn't work, i think because the submit come fro...

Helvetica or Arial as base font in CSS?

One of my friend told me "Use font family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif in your website", when I asked him why then "blank" he don't know, some usability expert in his company told him this thing. But when I tried helvetica, arial, sans-serif then I noticed that I bold and un-bold is not working properly with this font whereas I use ari...

Is the Html Agility Pack still the best .NET HTML parser?

Html Agility Pack was given as the answer to a StackOverflow question some time ago, is it still the best option? What other options should be considered? Is there something more lightweight? ...

Dynamically load insecure content to avoid dialog

I'm working on an app that will be using https, but we wanted to be able to use the google search api. They do not have an https version available, so it causes the browser to display an insecure warning dialog. It was suggested that we could dynamically load the script after initial load to avoid the warning. I didn't think that would w...

how to control which option to be selected in SELECT control?

What I tried is by adding selected,but not working: <select> <option value="-1" selected>--</option> <option value="0">femail</option> <option value="1">male</option> </select> ...

How to make div scale vertically all the way down?

I have the following situation, presented in the picture. Grey div is the parent of magenta and blue divs. Magenta div scales vertically with the content. I would like to have blue div always scale to the bottom of the containing grey, div. I've searched and tried various combinations, but all to nil effect. edit: Problem solved! Cont...