
How do you determine if a file is html from the URL?

Given a URL, how can you tell if the referenced file is and html file? Obviously, its an html file if it ends in .html or /, but then there are .jsp files, too, so I'm wondering what other extensions may be out there for html. Alternatively, if this information can be easily gained from a URL object in Java, that would be sufficient ...

Better way to control spacing between block elements?

Hi there, Is there a better way to control the space between certain block elements.. i basically have a few of these. <div id="head1" class="global-box"> <p>My Header Name</p> <select id="Select1"> <option></option> </select> </div> problem is that the space between the My Header Name and the select html element...

What's the best way to write a standards compliant popup window with XHTML and Javascript?

I'm writing standards compliant XHTML Strict 1.0, so including the HTML "target" attribute on anchor elements will not do. I've read 2 fundamentally different ways using Javascript: Upon document load, find all links with rel='external' and append the target='_blank' attribute. Use the HTML onClick attribute that fires a Javascript po...

Book or website which lists browser compatibility for all CSS elements?

I am looking for a resource (book or website) which lists all the CSS elemenets' compatibility with the major browsers. It has to include information for IE8 & FireFox3 (Chrome not too important). The ones I have found do not mention IE8 so I need one that's up to date to include IE6, IE7 and IE8. For example, if I want to use 'border-...

Why do dev tools offer Quirks mode?

I'm wondering if anyone has a rationale for why web development plugins for browsers offer buttons to display content in quirks mode? Are there people out there that markup for quirks mode on purpose? What's the point of seeing how a site will display in quirks mode when the markup already has a doc-type? Am I missing something here or...

CSS mouse-over overlapping tabs?

I've got some tabs. And I want to add a rollover effect. Problem is, the tabs overlap each other so there's no nice place to divide them. Should I just use absolute positioning and PNGs to stack them, or is there a more elegant solution? ...

mimic target="_new" for a button

lets say we have a link <a href="/something" target="_new">blah</a> and now i want a button to do the same thing as the link does, without using jquery. does anyone have experience with something like that? edit: This needs to be a link that uses target="_new" because doing that instead of a straight popup is a workaround for some...

Uploading files using non server side input controls

I need to upload a file from the client to an page. The source page is not able to use the server side controls. Is this possible? I have seen this question:, however this is using a standard input file control but a server side button. In my case I can't use a server side button. Essen...

How do you center a textbox inside an ASP panel?

Let's say my panel is 200px and i want 5px padding on the left and right, the textbox to be the max size it can (I could calculate it but is there a dynamic way to do this with the browser). The trickier part is how do I get an even amount of padding on top and bottom? ...

jquery contenteditable linebreak

Hi Guys, I have a content editable area and im trying to disable enter/return and shift enter from creating a new paragraph, i have this working with the script below but it disables the buttoms all together, what i wish to do is have return just place a line break rather then go to a new paragraph. $("#content").keypress(function(e){ ...

using <form action='page.html'> <button type=submit> to make a button a hyperlink?

This is how I construct my stylized buttons. <span class='button button-orange' id='sign-up'><input type='button' value='Sign up here' /></span> Putting an anchor tag (with href) around the span lets you hyperlink in FF but messes up in IE if your mouse is hovered over the button's value attribute value. (value='Sign up here') Is the...

Click on link, add text to textarea?

Let's say I have this javascript: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function addtext() { var newtext = document.myform.inputtext.value; document.myform.description.value += newtext; } </script> and I want to enable it so I can click on some html link that says "add text" and I want the text to be @ . $usern...

JQuery attributes

Hi, the following is my HTML DOM element... <input type="text" style="width: 200px;" id="input1"/> I want to keep the date value in it..But somewhere i need to specify that it is going to hold date value in the Dom element.. How can i do so..Please suggest me ...

Are there any code libraries that validate/convert blog comments to XHTML strict?

I am working on a website in PHP where people can make comments similar to a blog, and I only want particular tags to be allowed. Are there any pre-built libraries that process comments and produce valid XHTML Strict code? I would need to do this in JavaScript so I can generate a live preview like Stack Overflow, plus in PHP before savin...


Has anyone used LightWindow control from stickmanlabs? I want to do some client side validations within the lightwindow and feels it doesn't support that looking at documentation. I used 'Working with Forms' part of the documentation to bring it to a point where the loaded html postbacks to a php successfully. I'm ready to accept the f...

How can I strip HTML in a string using Perl?

Is there anyway easier than this to strip HTML from a string using Perl? $Error_Msg =~ s|<b>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|</b>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|<h1>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|</h1>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|<br>||ig; I would appreicate both a slimmed down regular expression, e.g. something like this: $Error_Msg =~ s|</?[b|h1|br]>||ig; Is there a...

Use of <bgsound> tag in HTML

What is the use of the <bgsound> tag in HTML? ...

Overflowing HTML line text before it gets obscured by right aligned content

I've got some text that is displayed on a single line in a container that has a fixed width. If the text can't be contained within the width of the container the overflow is hidden. Any combination of three status icons may appear positioned from the right hand side of the container. If any of these icons appear I'd like the text overflo...

Centering page when zoomed in IE7

I am building a website for a client who wants their page to zoom perfectly in IE7. I have finally managed to get around most of the bugs, but one. When you zoom in on the page, it centers fine, but then when you go to another page, the page renders and displays the top left of the page. I need to make it render centered. I know it is p...

What are some good websites for learning HTML?

What are some good websites for learning HTML? ...