what is the exact usage of xmlns in xml, and html
Does any one know what is the exact usage of xmlns in HTML, XML files? Edit: Why do we need this namespace? What is its usage? ...
Does any one know what is the exact usage of xmlns in HTML, XML files? Edit: Why do we need this namespace? What is its usage? ...
Hi, I am working on some website , i have used jQuery UI , for pop-up dialog . I want to close that after 10sec, I have used fadOut 10000 ms but its slowly fades. Here is the link View the source code and please help me in this. ...
I'm looking for a plugin or lightweight js-editor, which supports tabs in a textarea. Anybody? Kind regards, Joerg ...
I want to generate an add and delete in the same row near to each other. (Not in a table) $("<p class='addChoice cutsom_button'><a href='#' class='btn lbOn addchoice'><span class='button_image'><span class='background_16 user_reply'>Add</span></span></a></p>").appendTo(".fieldChoices"); $("<p class='deleteChoice cutsom_button'><a href=...
I have many separate HTML files. Now I want to combine them in a single window. How to do that? ...
hi am getting this error when i open my site in internet explorer......... plz help me. <?php // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); /* Definitions */ define( 'BASEPATH', dirname(__FILE__) ); include_once (BASEPATH.'/layout_vars.php'); // Menu $document = &JFactory::getDocum...
Been struggling with this simple selector problem a couple of hours now and must be missing something obvious. I have a <ul> in which some <li>s have nested <ul>s. Each <li> contains a link and when this is clicked I want to execute a function (rather than navigate), but importantly, this should only happen for the links contained in the...
I have a web-based system built with user login data based on session variables. Sometimes when a user is logged in and tries to export tables to csv or xls the session data seems to wipe and the user is 'kicked out' of the system. This is the header code I'm using to serve the file. header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: ...
I was having this discussion with one of my colleagues. He created a piece of code that put an a-href around an object where a flash is to be loaded. When I saw this I almost cried out and told him to use the clickTag instead. He told me that it works fine with the a-href. I checked it out, and the code worked fine in ie6-8 and firefox...
I have an HTML page (it's out of an internal address book application) and I'm trying to match both the field name and field value out of a table. The regular expression I've cooked up so far is "href.*?>(.*?)<\\/a.*>(.*?)<\\/span" which matches most of the keys and values just fine. The problem is that some of the values are also l...
I have a variable (div element) which contains some table html. I can use this javascript to add a class to each cell that has a background set. var tds = tempDiv.getElementsByTagName("TD"); for (var j = 0; j < tds.length; j++) { var oTd = tds[j]; if (oTd.style.background.length > 0) { oTd.className = 'faketh'; ...
Hi! Imagine you have a form where you switch visibility of several fields. And if the field is not displayed you don't want its value to be in request. How do you handle this situation? ...
Hi, I'm looking for a JQuery plugin that supports adding resizable drop shadows to divs, tables, text, etc. I really only want the shadow to resize when the user resizes the browser window (the elements with the shadows are not draggable). I've tried this plugin but it doesn't seem to shrink the width of a shadow when a user narrows th...
I have a module that submits a form request which unfortunately needs to be pulled in as a iframe.. The problem is that the result loads inside the frame when I want it to take over the same page. form target="_top" and target="_parent" don't work.. is there a way I can achieve this through jQuery, since its loaded anyway? ...
all, I wanted to create a multiline textbox but all the info i googled on it says that i can adjust the length but no the height How would i create a text box field that i could have a user type comments into for a php script? this is what I'm currently using <INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" > Bonus question: how do i disable enter in the tex...
How can I do this using CSS and HTML? Bordered text surrounded by colored border Bordered text's border minimally surrounds text Bordered text has maximum width Bordered text's border doesn't overlap neighboring elements When rendered, it should look something like this: For the border I'm using: padding: 1.0em; border-style: sol...
I have a iframe that i want to open pdf's into from a list on the side bar. I have everything working but the pdf shows up in a little 500 by 200 box on the and wont "resize" to so the user can read the entire page. the live site is located here http://www.markonsolutions.com/opportunities.php and the code behind it is <!DOCTYPE htm...
I am trying to have the button to display to the right of the textbox but it's displaying to the bottom in IE7. <div style="margin-top: 12px; border: 1px red solid" > <asp:TextBox ID="txtSearh" name="txtSearch" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox> <button id="Search" accesskey="s" type="submit" runat="server" onserve...
There has GOT to be a simple way to programmatically render HTML into a div tag that is width=x and have the html (along with all rendered tags and images) wrap inside the div; even if the div is inside a table or cell of width=x. But for the life of me, I can't seem to do it! ...
First of all, here is the site I am working on. I am trying to get a modal window to pop-up when elements in the Flash are clicked on. Which at this point I have about 90% working when you click on the warrior image. Below is a list of issues I am still trying to solve that I hope you can help me with... The modal background doesn't ...