
Javascript getElementById - reading works, altering doesn't.

So, I have this pretty complex ajax thing going. It loads new html (including div tags and all) to show up on the page. I included a 'more' link to load additional data. This more link links to my javascript function. The 'more' link is located in a div, which I gave a unique id. The next time the load function is called, I use documen...

how to add a simple button that will inject a tag into a textarea?

I want to create a simple button that will inject a [b][/b] into a textarea. How can I do this? ...

Does TinyMCE have usable content focus/blur events?

I want to be able to have default text like "Enter content here..." appear when the editor first loads, but I want this text to disappear when the user clicks/focuses on the content area. Then, if they "blur" (move out) of the content area without inputting anything, I want the "default text" to re-appear in the editor. After Googling a...

E-mail in the source : a no-go ?

Hello guys, I have a contact form where the email is actually accessible in the source, because I'm using a cgi file to process it. My concern are the mail crawlers, and I was wondering if this is a no-go and I should switch to another more secure form. Or, if there was some tricks to 'confuse' the crawlers ? Thanks for your ideas. ...

Display a grid using divs

I'm trying to practice some CSS/HTML, and I am listing what should be done in a table using divs. The issue I am having is that when I am setting the margin's, the text isn't lining up into columns properly because some text is longer than others, so it results in a jagged table. e.g. 123 hello coool 123 asdfasdfsadf cool 123 hello c...

Including dynamic HTML with PHP

I have PHP variables to place within an included HTML file. What's the best way of executing this? //contents of file1.php $variable1 = "text 1"; $variable2 = "text 2" $newContent = include('file2.php'); echo $newContent; //contents of file2.php <p>standard HTML with PHP... <strong><?=$variable1?></strong></p> <p><?=$variable2?></p> ...

problem with resubmission of form data

Hello, I am a newbie trying to develop some login panel. The problem now is that I am not able to stop resubmission of form data on pressing back and forward button of browser. Tried to find it on google but no effective solution come up. Please enlighten me on this. ...

Issues with links while trying to converting HTML to XML

I am trying to convert an html file to xml. It is working for the most part. The issue I am having is with links. Right now it seems to be completely ignoring the link in my test file. Here is the convert code: <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt'); e...

moz-border-radius,moz-box-shadow in IE

Hello I am using moz-boder-radius(-webkit-border-top-left-radius) to add rounded divs to my website. these work fine in Mozilla, chrome and safari but as usual Internet explorer have to have some problem. Is there any such property to add rounded divs in Internet explorer. ...

Setting input field using bookmarklet

Hi I'm trying to set the value of an input field using a bookmarklet so when I open the bookmark it will automatically set the field name? Any idea how to do this? Would like to set the field txtEmail. Thanks! This is the HTML of the website: <input id="txtEmail" class="popUpEmail" type="text" onblur="populateTheEmailField(this);" oncl...

Copying plain text from a WYSIWYG to a normal text area

Hi ol, am having a WYSIWYG textarea which i would like to copy the text (as-plane) and insert it to another textarea on the same form as plane text using javascript..............HELP! :-) ...

DIVs not abiding by CSS rules

Hi, I'm having some troubles with my HTML and CSS, in that the HTML on my siet isn't doing what I've put down in the CSS. I'm trying to make a block of text have width: 50, but it doesn't seem to be working. Here's a code snippet: <div id="welcome"> <h2>Welcome!</h2> hello, this is some text. <p> text before that text down there. v ...

[PHP] [DataGridClass]: How to make second column of the resultset a hyperlink?

I am using following class to show a grid like appearance with pagination on my home page. The class is very good and is working fine. When the grid shows records, I just want to make the second column values as a hyperlink. I tried adding a href ... in the class where $c is updating, but it is not working. Can anyone help me out. Thi...

Overflow scroll bar colours

I am a newbie to HTML and CSS and am trying to design a website, where the majority of text will be in boxes on the screen. Each box will be coloured differently and will have more text than is visible directly My question Can I make the background colour of the scroll section, ie the bit between the two arrow heads match the existin...

get id of a cell in a table inside a div (JS and HTML)

Hi I have a php script that draws a table subject to certain conditions. When the table is drawn it is inside a div called ‘window’ and the table is called ‘visi’ I then want to use the code below to get the id’s of each cell in the table. I can get the class name no problem but get absolutely nothing from the id. Can anyone give me an ...

YUI SimpleEditor not right layout

I've downloaded the YUI library for the nice SimpleEditor. When installed and created a simple test. It will not display right. this is how it should look like. and this is how it looks with my example: Here is the code of my testing...

Execute PHP on clicking a link

My website's pages are (or will) all be identical, except for the content of the #main div. So I was thinking in the <head> I could do <?php $page = "home.html"?>, where home.html is the bare contents (not a full html page - no <html>, <head> etc.) of the main div for the home page. So then inside <div id="main"> and </div> I could have ...

the data of an input field not on one line will all browsers accept it?

Hi im working on a system with inputfields. Normaly i put the input field on one line but now i have made it like this below <input type='text' name='alg_persoonsgegevens_achternaam' id='alg_persoonsgegevens_achternaam' class='text dontprintinput' value='xxxxxxx' maxlength='50' size='20' /> I was wonderdering if ALL browser...

HTML/CSS: How can I get a box with a single border?

I need a simple list (3 lines of text) surrounded by a gray box. I know I need to implement on blur instead of a "close" button. Here's what I have so far... I can't sen to get text values to transfer. Help! <script> function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } </script> <input name="media" id="media" type="text" /> <input ty...

Need "Editable Dropdown"

I need a white box, with a gray border to appear below this text box when the button is clicked. The drop down will have say, 5 to 10 lines of text, which hav the look and feel of the URL drop down at the top of your browser. Can I do this with a div? function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } <div id="keypad...