
Best way to compress HTML, CSS & JS with mod_deflate and mod_gzip disabled

I have a few sites on a shared host that is running Apache 2. I would like to compress the HTML, CSS and Javascript that is delivered to the browser. The host has disabled mod_deflate and mod_gzip, so these options are out. I do have PHP 5 at my disposal, though, so I could use the gzip component of that. I am currently placing the foll...

Are there any tools out there to compare the structure of 2 web pages?

I receive HTML pages from our creative team, and then use those to build aspx pages. One challenge I frequently face is getting the HTML I spit out to match theirs exactly. I almost always end up screwing up the nesting of <div>s between my page and the master pages. Does anyone know of a tool that will help in this situation -- someth...

TinyMCE vs Xinha

I have to choose an online WYSIWYG editor. I'm pending between TinyMCE and Xinha. My application is developed in Asp.Net 3.5. Could you help me with with some pros and cons? ...

Linking combo box (JQuery preferrably)

Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any experience using a JQuery plugin that converts a html <select> <option> Blah </option> </select> combo box into something (probably a div) where selecting an item acts the same as clicking a link. I guess you could probably use javascript to handle a selection event (my javascript knowledge is a...

REST how to handle query parameters when put to resource?

I have a REST data service where I want to allow the users to create new items with HTTP PUT using different formats like json,xml,csv. Now I'm a little unsure how to best handle the format specification in the url: PUT -> /ressource/ID/json PUT -> /ressource/ID/xml or PUT -> /ressource/ID?format=json So what is the best way ...

Practical solution to center vertically and horizontally in HTML that works in FF, IE6 and IE7

What can be a practical solution to center vertically and horizontally content in HTML that works in Firefox, IE6 and IE7? Some details: I am looking for solution for the entire page. You need to specify only width of the element to be centered. Height of the element is not known in design time. When minimizing window, scrolling shoul...

How do I *really* justify a horizontal menu in HTML+CSS?

You find plenty of tutorials on menu bars in HTML, but for this specific (though IMHO generic) case, I haven't found any decent solution: # THE MENU ITEMS SHOULD BE JUSTIFIED JUST AS PLAIN TEXT WOULD BE # # ^ ^ # There's an varying number...

problems with mouseout event

I'm using javascript to hide an image and show some text thats hidden under it. But, when the text is shown if you scroll over it, it fires the mouseout event on the container, that then hides the text and shows the image again, and it just goes into a weird loop. The html looks like this <div onmouseover="jsHoverIn('1')" onmouseout="j...

Sources of inspiration for navigation breadcrumbs

I'm looking for sources of inspiration and/or design patterns for navigation 'breadcrumbs'. So far I have found the breadcrumb collection on Pattern Tap. Does anyone know of any other sources? ...

In HTML, what should happen to a selected, disabled option element?

In my specific example, I'm dealing with a drop-down, e.g.: <select name="foo" id="bar"> <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select an item:</option> <option>an item</option> <option>another item</option> </select> Of course, that's pretty nonsensical, but I'm wondering whether any strict behaviour is defined. ...

how to remove black border around hyperlinked image?

When I turn an image () into a hyperlink (by wrapping it in ), Firefox adds a black border around the image. Safari does not display the same border. What CSS directive would be best to eliminate the border? ...

How do I suppress firefox password field completion?

I'm developing a website. I'm using a single-page web-app style, so all of the different parts of the site are AJAX'd into index.php. When a user logs in and tells Firefox to remember his username and password, all input boxes on the site get auto-filled with that username and password. This is a problem on the form to change a password....

Google Finance - Get Quotes search box - Column Alignment

How does Google manage to properly align the second column (i.e. the ticker name) in the "Get Quotes" search box suggestion dropdown in e.g. if you enter "iii" - the second column is perfectly aligned. It does not use a fixed-width font - so just adding the correct numbers of spaces to the "ticker" will not w...

How can I retrieve the page title of a webpage using Python?

How can I retrieve the page title of a webpage (title html tag) using Python? ...

Browser refresh behaviour

When a user hits Refresh on their browser, it reloads the page but keeps the contents of form fields. While I can see this being a useful default, it can be annoying on some dynamic pages, leading to a broken user experience. Is there a way, in HTTP headers or equivalents, to change this behaviour? ...

iPhone browser tag and optimized web site

What is iPhone's browser tag and how iPhone optimized web site is different from a usual mobile web site? Thanks! ...

CSS overflow table row positioning

I have table inside a div tab. The table has 40 rows in it and the div's height is set to show 10 rows of that table. CSS's overflow:auto lets me scroll through the 40 rows. All is well there. How can I, with JavaScript cause the table to programatically position to a given row (ie, programmatically scroll the table up or down by row)?...

HTML meta keyword/description element, useful or not?

Does filling out HTML meta description/keyword tags matter for SEO? ...

Getting international characters from a web page?

I want to scrape some information off a football (soccer) web page using simple python regexp's. The problem is that players such as the first chap, ÄÄRITALO, comes out as &#196;&#196;RITALO! That is, html uses escaped markup for the special characters, such as &#196; Is there a simple way of reading the html into the correct python st...

Getting closest element by id

I have two elements: <input a> <input b onclick="..."> When b is clicked, I want to access a and manipulate some of its data. A does not have a globally unique name, so document.getElementsByName is out. Looking into the event object, I thought would have some function like getElementsByName, but this does not ...