
In PHP is it possible to use a function inside a variable

I know in php you can embed variables inside variables, like: <? $var1 = "I\'m including {$var2} in this variable.."; ?> But I was wondering how, and if it was possible to include a function inside a variable. I know I could just write: <?php $var1 = "I\'m including "; $var1 .= somefunc(); $var1 = " in this variable.."; ?...

What are the CSS secrets to a flexible/fluid HTML form?

The below HTML/CSS/Javascript(JQuery) code displays the #makes select box. Selecting an option displays the #models select box with relevant options. The #makes select box sits off center and the #models select box fills the empty space when it is displayed. How do you style the form so that the #makes select box is centered when it is...

Getting HTML from a page behind a login

This question is a follow up to my previous question about getting the HTML from an ASPX page. I decided to try using the webclient object, but the problem is that I get the login page's HTML because login is required. I tried "logging in" using the webclient object: WebClient ww = new WebClient(); ww.DownloadString("Login.aspx?UserNa...

Is there a good, free WYSIWYG editor for creating HTML using a Django template?

I'm interested to get a free, WYSIWYG HTML editor that is compatible with Django template. Any ideas? ...

Using CSS how best to display name value pairs?

Should I still be using tables anyway? The table code I'd be replacing is: <table> <tr> <td>Name</td><td>Value</td> </tr> ... </table> From what I've been reading I should have something like <label class="name">Name</label><label class="value">Value</value><br /> ... Ideas and links to online samples greatly a...

Does Django have HTML helpers?

Does Django have any template tags to generate common HTML markup? For example, I know that I can get a url using {% url %} But that only gives me the URL and not the HTML code to create the link. Does Django have anything similar to Rails' link_to helper? I found django-helpers but since this is a common thing I thou...

Which text editor has the most useful autocomplete for web page editing?

Which text editor has the most useful autocomplete for text editing? That is, when you type a tag like <p>, the editor will automatically add </p> and put the cursor after the first tag. It should also display a context sensitive list of valid tags when you press CTRL+Space (or similar hotkey) I've been using Notepad++. I avoid Visual ...

Code to make a DHTMLEd control replace straight quotes with curly quotes

I've got an old, legacy VB6 application that uses the DHTML editing control as an HTML editor. The Microsoft DHTML editing control, a.k.a. DHTMLEd, is probably nothing more than an IE control using IE's own native editing capability internally. I'd like to modify the app to implement smart quotes like Word. Specifically, " is replaced w...

Are liquid layouts still relevant?

Now that most of the major browsers support full page zoom (at present, the only notable exception being Google Chrome), are liquid or elastic layouts no longer needed? Is the relative pain of building liquid/elastic layouts worth the effort? Are there any situations where a liquid layout would still be of benefit? Is full page zoom the ...

Whats a liquid layout?

My designer keeps throwing out the term "liquid" layout. What does this mean? Thanks for the clarification, I have always just called this a percentage layout, and thought he was saying that the pieces could be moved around, and that was liquid ...

PHP as a template language, or some other PHP templating script?

Is PHP on it's own a good enough templating language, or should one use something like Smarty to write PHP templates in? ...

What's the best way to separate PHP Code and HTML?

I really don't like mixing PHP and HTML. Mixing them makes it difficult to maintain both the PHP and the HTML, and it just makes sense to keep the two apart. See also the question on whether PHP is a good enough templating system on its own. What's the best way to do it? ...

innerHTML manipulation in JavaScript

I am developing a web page code, which fetches dynamically the content from the server and then places this content to container nodes using something like container.innerHTML = content; Sometimes I have to overwrite some previous content in this node. This works fine, until it happens that previous content occupied more vertical spac...

When is the best time to use <b> and <i> in lieu of <strong> and <em>, if ever?

Semantically speaking, is there an appropriate place in today's websites (late 2008+) where using the bold <b> and italic <i> tags are more useful than the more widely used <strong> and <em> tags? ...

What is the best online javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom reference?

I'm a front-end developer and I was looking for opinions about the best all-round online documentation for javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom/browser quirks and support. I've tried Sitepoint, Quirksmode, W3Schools but all of these seem to be lacking in certain aspects and have been using them in combination. ...

Should HTML co-exist with code?

In a web application, is it acceptable to use HTML in your code (non-scripted languages, Java, .NET)? There are two major sub questions: Should you use code to print HTML, or otherwise directly create HTML that is displayed? Should you mix code within your HTML pages? ...

Remove border from IFrame

How do I remove the border from an IFrame embedded in my web app? An example of the IFrame is: <IFRAME src="myURL" width=300" height="300">Browser not compatible. </IFRAME> I would like the transition from the content on my page to the contents of the IFrame to be seemless, assuming the background colors are consistent. The target bro...

How to find broken links on a website

What techniques or tools are recommended for finding broken links on a website? I have access to the logfiles, so could conceivably parse these looking for 404 errors, but would like something automated which will follow (or attempt to follow) all links on a site. ...

What's the best HTML WYSISYG editor available to web developers and why?

There are many different flavored HTML WYSIWYG editors from javascript to ASP.Net web controls, but all too often the features are the same. Does anyone have a favorite HTML editor they like to use in projects? Why? ...

How to insert line breaks in HTML documents using CSS

I'm writing a web service, and I want to return the data as XHTML. Because it's data, not markup, I want to keep it very clean - no extra s or s. However, as a convenience to developers, I'd also like to make the returned data reasonably readable in a browser. To do so, I'm thinking a good way to go about it would be to use CSS. The th...