
C# HTMLAgilityPack HTML to Text - Parse Errors

I need to extract text from an HTML file using C#. I am trying to use HTMLAgilityPack but I am seeing some parse errors (tags not closed). I am using these two options: htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true; htmlDoc.OptionAutoCloseOnEnd = true; Is there any "Fix all" type option. I don't care about the errors, I just wan...

How to select node types which are HtmlNodeType.Comment using HTMLAgilityPack

I wish to remove from html things like <!--[if gte mso 9]> ... <![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]> ... <![endif]--> How to do this in C# using HTMLAgilityPack? I'm using static void RemoveTag(HtmlNode node, string tag) { var nodeCollection = node.SelectNodes("//"+ tag ); if(nodeCollection!=null) ...

Set InnerText with Html Agility Pack

I've tried to set InnerText using the following, but I'm not allowed to set the InnerText property: node.InnerText = node.InnerText.Remove(100) + ".."; The reason for this is that I only want to remove text, not actual elements: <div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <img src="" /> </div> ...

Html Agility Pack: Find Comment Node

Hello! I am scraping a website that uses Javascript to dynamically populate the content of a website with the Html Agility pack. Basically, I was searching for the XPATH "\\div[@class='PricingInfo']", but that div node was being written to the DOM via Javascript. So, when I load the page through the Html Agility pack the XPATH mention...

HTMLAgilitypack breacking apart data without tables...

I have data that is set up as such... <strong> name</strong> <br /> address &nbps; city, state &nbsp; zip <hr> and I need to store the data in a database, how can I break this apart? There are no descriptive ids or anything... I fixed the issue by using the NextSibling attribute to walk through the mess...thanks for all of the sugge...

Using C#, how can I detect a broken link or tag?

Hi, I have a html file that it isn't syntactically correct, I'm parsing it with HTML Agility Pack ( But if I have a link like <a href="!/!!!"&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt; it's a problem, is there a possible way to detect broken links so that when an error is found (no page is available o...

Why do these two nodes not compare equal?

I've got some HTML: <html> <head> <title>title</title> </head> <body> <p>a pargraph</p> </body> </html> For which I grab the body and p node, and then I tried Console.WriteLine(p.ParentNode == body); And it's telling me False. Why is that? I need this functionality in my program... ...

How to get html elements with multiple css classes

I know how to get a list of DIVs of the same css class e.g <div class="class1">1</div> <div class="class1">2</div> using xpath //div[@class='class1'] But how if a div have multiple classes, e.g <div class="class1 class2">1</div> What will the xpath like then? ...

creating list of HTML node values : htmlagilitypack

I have a nested HTML content. I need to pull out the content from first level td (siblings) some td's have nested table, in such case all child nodes inner-text need to be concatenated and rolledup to first level td .Descendants"td" actually parses considering td's at all level, while I need to get only of the first level (siblings) no...

How to get HTML text between H1 tags in C#

I need to parse an HTML document to extract all the H1 tags and all HTML between them. I have been playing with HtmlAgilityPack to achieve this with some success. I could extract all H1 tags using: foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h1")) But how do I extract all the HTML after every H1 tag until I hit the next H...

Can not tidy html file using htmltidy but can with notepad++ which uses same htmltidypack.

I am parsing html from the html file through html agility pack, but some of files from them are badly written. And I can not parse them. Now for tidying that html file I am using htmltidy pack. But with that I can not make tidy some html file. While if I make those files tidy through notepad++ then I can. And I am using htmltidy pack t...

Strip HTML tag but leave inner text using HTML Agility?

I am trying to strip out some HTML tags. I have a project where the person has saved some searches. Problem is the keywords have been highlighted. For example. <p>Here is some <span class='highlite'>awesome</span> example.</p> Html Agility turns this into 3 Nodes. A text node, span and text again. I would to create a single tag out of...

Extract content with XPath?

I have html content that I am storing as an XML document (using HTML Agility Pack). I know some XPath, but I am not able to zero into the exact content I need. In my example below, I am trying to extract the "src" and "alt" text from the large image. This is my example: <html> <body> .... <div id="large_image_display"> <img...

Html Agility Pack help

Hi! I'm trying to scrape some information from a website but can't find a solution that works for me. Every code I read on the Internet generates at least one error for me. Even the example code at their homepage generates errors for me. My code: HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.Load("https://www.flashback...

Trouble Scraping .HTM File

Hi All, I have just begun scraping basic text off web pages, and am currently using the HTMLAgilityPack C# library. I had some success with boxscores off (sports is my thing so why not scrape something interesting?) but I am stuck on NHL's game summary pages. I think this is kind of an interesting problem so I would p...

HtmlAgilityPack: Convert parsed Javascript string to JSON

Hello! So, I am using the HtmlAgility pack ( to parse a script node and then I use regular expressions to parse out an object definition. The string I end up with is plain javascript that defines an object. Here is the sample Javascript I am trying to parse: <!--Module 328 Buying Options Table--> <...

How to concatenate two nodes when using the HTML Agility Pack in a ASP.NET web app?s

Hi, I am using the agility pack to do some screens scraping and my code so far to get titles is: foreach (HtmlNode title in root.SelectNodes("//html//body//div//div//div[3]//div//div//div//div[3]//ul//li[1]//h4")) { string titleString = "<div class=\"show\">" + title.InnerText + "</div>"; shows.Add(title...