
Sending 100 Continue using Java Servlet API

Is it possible to send "100 Continue" HTTP status code, and then later some other status code after processing entire request using Java Servlet API (HttpServletResponse)? I can't find any definitive "No" answer, although API doesn't seem to support it. ...

Supporting the "Expect: 100-continue" header with ASP.NET MVC

I'm implementing a REST API using ASP.NET MVC, and a little stumbling block has come up in the form of the Expect: 100-continue request header for requests with a post body. RFC 2616 states that: Upon receiving a request which includes an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, an origin server M...

ASP.NET: Overriding IIS response to "expect 100" header?

i have an application that receives requests from a client software..and the request headers contain a "request 100-continue"... i want to override IIS auto-response to request-100 header, and do that myself.. so that i can use the other headers to authenticate the user (or not).. and send a proper response depending on the stat...

Supporting HTTP 100 Continue with PHP

I'm working on a PHP webapp that accepts large POSTed file uploads from specific clients and would like to accept or reject these uploads (based on various headers and other factors, not just size) before the file is uploaded by using HTTP/1.1 100 Continue. Some quick background from HTTP/1.1 spec 8.2.3: The purpose of the 100 (Cont...