
HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

Could somebody give me a brief overview of the differences between HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1? I've spent some time with both of the RFCs, but haven't been able to pull out a lot of difference between them. Wikipedia says this: HTTP/1.1 (1997-1999) Current version; persistent connections enabled by default and works well with proxi...

Web service .NET Framework problem

We are connecting a webservice (java) from C# (VS.Net 2003) application. Web service running on HTTP 1.0 protocol. On the other hand VS.Net 2003 trying to reach with HTTP 1.1 protocol. Therefore objects are coming null value. For example we are getting string[5] object is correctly but array's items are null value. We have to take HT...

PHP using session_cache_limiter() and session_cache_expire() or multiple header()

I want my PHP pages to be cached. To allow cache I use: session_cache_limiter('private'); session_cache_expire(180); session_start(); Since I'm only using sessions for these cache headers, should I just drop these 3 line and replace them with (I'm never using $_SESSION): header('Expires: <some GMT date>'); header('Cache-Control: priv...

HTTP if-none-match and if-modified-since and 304 clarification in PHP

My question is about how to reply a HTTP 304 "Not Modified" when I receive both if-none-match and if-modified-since from a proxy/client request. From RFC 2616 secttion 14.26 ( ): If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the requested method as i...

What does the HTTP header If-None-Match: * means

What does the following HTTP 1.1 header means? If-None-Match: * I understand it when using a strong or weak ETag or even a list of ETags, but I don't understant it's use when using star (*). Edit: Would be nice to have some pseudocode (PHP code good also) that would show how/what to answer to "If-None-Match: *". ...

HTTP If-None-Match vs. If-Match

I'm currently building up a PHP script that will answer HTTP "304 Not Modified" when required. (See question #2086712 for what I do so far). Currently I answer to the following: If-Modified-Since If-None-Match But I found out that 3 more headers can trigger a "conditional GET" (See

Supporting HTTP 100 Continue with PHP

I'm working on a PHP webapp that accepts large POSTed file uploads from specific clients and would like to accept or reject these uploads (based on various headers and other factors, not just size) before the file is uploaded by using HTTP/1.1 100 Continue. Some quick background from HTTP/1.1 spec 8.2.3: The purpose of the 100 (Cont...

Open source machine readable grammar for HTTP/1.1?

Is there an open source machine-readable grammar for HTTP/1.1 requests and responses? Specifically, i'm looking for a grammar that is accepted by one of the popular parser generators (e.g., ANTLR, CUP, BNFC, ...). ...

How do I find out the version of HTTP in a request using PHP and Apache

I need to determine whether an HTTP request was an HTTP/1.0 or an HTTP/1.1 request in my PHP script, which is running under Apache. Is there a way to query this information? ...

file_get_contents() with context to use http/1.1 significantly slow download speeds

Using the code below each image download) file_get_contents() ) takes on average 8-15 seconds..... If I do not use a context on file_get_contents() then image download is less than a second. If I change the $opts to, below then i get same performance as file_get_contents() without a context which takes appox 13 seconds to process 2,5...

Why do wget has Host Header in its HTTP request

The main difference between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 is that HTTP/1.1 has a mandatory Host Header in it. (Source: HTTP Pocket Reference - o'reilly) So, why is that wget, which uses HTTP/1.0 protocol has host header in it? My Output of wget with netcat GET / HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu) Accept: */* Host: Conn...