
How communication happens between webserver and webclient?

I had posted one question here I solved the problem but little confuse about reason. Question was webBrowser control in .net was not displaying images. Moreover, If I press Ctrl+N, it opens same page in external IE browser. all images are displyed properly there. Once I do this step and then after, when webBrowser Control refresh page a...

In Java 1.6 how to serve a JPEG in memory through an HTTPHandler?

I am working on creating a simple HTTP server as part of a Java server. One component of this Java server is to capture images live from a webcam. Currently I am writing the images out to disk, and serving them through Apache. What I want to do in the end though is write the JPEG to memory in a List of JPEG objects and then have a H...

Interrupt HTTP POST in Spring MVC with maxUploadSize?

I've configured a MultipartResolver in my Spring MVC webapp and set its maxUploadSize property to 1MB. <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"> <property name="maxUploadSize"> <!-- 1MB max --> <value>1048576</value> </property> </bean> When a user ...

Send no content, HTTP header

Is there a HTTP header that makes sure that no content will be displayed? Even if there is some content in the body? edit: I take the answers as a "no", and accept the fact that headers have no control over the content. ...

What's the best HTTP status code for a redirect from / to /home?

I have a web application where the requested URL is used in a REST-like fashion. However, if no URL is entered (just the domain) I re-direct to and then my home controller is loaded. What HTTP status code should I use for this re-direct? This process takes place in my index.php script using a simple header('L...

SoapHttpClientProtocol/HttpWebClientProtocol connection status

I have a WebService reference (.NET CF 3.5) based on SoapHttpClientProtocol. My question is - is there a way to determine whether a connection to WebService is established other than calling a web method? Can I check at any time that the underlying connection is established and get its status? Regards ...

How can I gain access to HTML5 session storage under a different scheme (http/https)

We have a very dynamic site which uses session storage extensively to keep track of things. However, as we have switched from using just HTTP to HTTPS for sensitive forms we have discovered that the session storage is scoped to the scheme. For example setting a key value on a HTTP page will not be accessible from a HTTPS page, and vice ...

Can I get SVN log over http request on Assembla server?

Is it possible to access an svn log without having svn installed? I'm trying to access a log of recently changed (committed) files on Assembla, but the hosted web server from which I'd like to send this request doesn't have svn installed. Since all I'm doing is sending the svn server a few parameters like my name, password, output format...

Can php URLs have numeric parameters?

Is this valid?: Will I be able to access the value 'xyz' under the key '123' the same ways as usual? ...

URI for RESTful Web Services

I'm trying to understand how URIs are supposed to look like. Looking at this reference:, I am a bit confused by how POST is supposed to work. The example given is this: I'm associating "142" as a specific item in "resource...

Reading the first part of a file using HTTP

I would like to determine the type of a file (generally UTF-8) by reading the first part of the file and analysing the content. (The type is specific to my community but not under my control and not covered by MIME/MediaType which is normally TEXT_PLAIN). I am using the 'org.restlet' library on the client to analyse the header with Req...

OAuth : help me understanding OAuth

OAuth like google OAuth. Let's put the communication between Consumer server and OAuth server aside. Let's talk about the browser side and consumer server communication, at least, browser must hold a cookie to identify the session between consumer server. Right? But, I didn't see it. ...

HTTP post: url parameters and form data

When I do http POST request via Web form, Is there any difference(practically or theoretically) between parameters specified in the URL and parameters passed with form on the server side? Can I do whole POST with url parameters and expect same result as with form inputs? Like: <form action="/?id=2" method="post"> <input type="...

How to do ad-hoc testing of web service PUT methods?

I've written a web service and it's nice that you can just navigate to http://whatever... and see the response to GETs. Is there some nifty way I can do something similar for PUTs? (presumably involving some tool to write the info that's PUTed). Obviously I'll have automated tests for these methods, but I'd like to be able to play arou...

Cannot change php session cookie name

I copied an existing and successfully running site to a new development server. The login on the new server is now broken, and I tracked it down to the fact that although the session cookie is renamed ... ini_set('', 'DOMAIN1'); ... the browser keeps storing the sesssion cookie as PHPSESSID. When I remove the above line...

How necessary it is to use "must-revalidate" in "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"

Often I use Cache-Control: no-cache or Cache-Control: max-age=0 The spec says must-revalidate is for max-stale... (the server issue max-stale?) So if for normal web servers, Apache, or Rails with Mongrels, then I think usually there is no max-stale, so must-revalidate is not needed? ...

How to escape the Location: header value properly?

In my webapp I'm using HTTP Location: headers for redirect (e.g. POST/redirect/GET). But the target locations have to be dynamic (e.g. login.php?dest=pagexy.php). We all know that any user-modifiable input has to be properly escaped to prevent XSS, so header('Location: '.$_REQUEST['dest']); looks wrong. Simple urlencode-ing can only ...

Using HTTP PUT to send JSON with Jquery and Rails 3

HTTP PUT isn't entirely cross browser so Rails (I'm using Rails 3) supports using POST and passing the _method query param. This is great, but it doesn't seem to work when sending JSON. Example: $.ajax({ url: window.location.pathname, type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({_method:'PUT', p...

application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data?

In HTTP there are two ways to POST data: application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data. I understand that most browsers are only able to upload files if multipart/form-data is used. Is there any additional guidance when to use one of the encoding types in an API context (no browser involved)? This might e.g. be based on: da...

First request fails with HTTP 400 (Bad Request) after reading HttpRequest.InputStream

I develop an asmx web service (i.e. ASP.NET 2.0). There's a piece of code that may read the contents of the HTTP request (via HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream) while processing it. I realise that InputStream may only be read once for a request, and I make sure I never try to read it more than once. The problem seems to be that i...