
CastleProject *.vm HttpForbiddenHandler not work

I try to use HttpForbiddenHandler to block the file without success. The web.config is as follows: <httpHandlers> <add verb="*" path="*.ashx" type="Castle.MonoRail.Framework.MonoRailHttpHandlerFactory, Castle.MonoRail.Framework"/> <add verb="*" path="*.vm" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler"/> </httpHandlers> I have setup the virtu...

Jmeter: got Unable to tunnel through proxy

Hi there, like I wrote in the subject, I got this error while using Jmeter, I ran a script thread which connects to a site and does a series of http operations, my Jmeter launch script is configured this way: PROXY="-H <IP> -P 80 -u <user> -a <password>" Actually I just masked the real informations, but IP, user and password are set ...

WAMP Apache 403 Forbidden error

I have recently changed from Windows XP to Windows 7 and have reinstalled WAMP server on my localhost testing pc. I have copied over my backup site too and this is working correctly. I have installed tinyMCE javascript editor as well as ajaxfilemanager. Everything works except when accessing a file i get the following error: Forbidd...

Website is ignoring System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler and allowing download of web.config

My website is allowing the web.config file to be downloaded. However in my C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\web.config file I have this line <add path="*.config" verb="*" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler" validate="true"/> Which should mean any config file can't be downloaded. What am I missing? ...