
Android HttpClient and HTTPS

Hi all, I'm new to implementing HTTPS connections in Android. Essentially, I'm trying to connect to a server using the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient. I believe, at some point, I'll need to access the application's keystore in order to authorize my client with a private key. But, for the moment, I'm just trying to connect and see ...

Getting the location from a WebClient on a HTTP 302 Redirect?

I have a URL that returns a HTTP 302 redirect, and I would like to get the URL it redirects to. The problem is that System.Net.WebClient seems to actually follow it, which is bad. HttpWebRequest seems to do the same. Is there a way to make a simple HTTP Request and get back the target Location without the WebClient following it? I'm t...

Properties of a cookie

How to check the what all properties(Secure,HttpOnly) are set for a cookie using Classic ASP or JavaSript? ...

Set form action dynamically in https-area

Hi, heres the problem explanation: Im on the domain - theres an Order-Form with the Action with an other SSL Certificate. On some conditions i set the form action to so that it will be posted on our domain, but if the user uses a CreditCart it should g...

CSS for https urls

Hello, looking for some help with images referenced within the stylesheet. I have no problems with these from non secure locations within the site but only from https. The stylesheet loads fine and displays everything correctly except for the images. example: body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: url(/img/background_tile.gif) top ...

Getting data into MATLAB from HTTPS

Anybody know if it's possible? I'm trying to get the data by using the following code url = ''; params = {'org','Human','db','hg18','position','EGFR'}; urltxt = urlread(url,'get',params); but get the error ??? Error using ==> urlread at 111 Error downloading URL. Your network connection may ...

.NET - Is it possible to proxy a HTTPS request using HttpListener & HttpWebRequest? (or is it not possbile due to the encryption?)

Hi, Question - Is it possible to proxy a HTTPS request using HttpListener & HttpWebRequest? (or is it not possbile due to the encryption?) I have got a .NET proxy working by using HttpListener & HttpWebRequest using the approach here. I'm trying to extend this at the moment to listen for HTTPS too (refer this question) however I'm won...

Secure login on your domain with Google App Engine

Hi, We are starting a very large web based service project. We are trying to decide what hosting environment to use. We would really like to use Google App Engine for scalability reasons and to eliminate the need to deal with servers ourselves. Secure logins/registrations is very important to us, as well as using our own domain. Our ta...

Is querystring parameters secure in HTTPS (HTTP + SSL)?

Do querystring parameters get encrypted in HTTPS while send over the link? ...

Cant clone Bitbucket repo via https

Cant clone Bitbucket repo via https on Debian. I always get error: abort: authorization failed Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.4.1), Python 2.5.2 Thru ssh and http(w/o pass) work fine ...

.NET Recaptcha https

We've started using the ASP.NET recaptcha control and it works fine. but one of the requirements we have is that all outbound traffic goes over Https. I know that recaptcha supports https, but It's not clear how to configure (or even if it is configurable) when using the ASP.NET plugin option. has anyone got any experience of this? I...

How to query data from a password protected https website

I'd like my application to query a csv file from a secure website. I have no experience with web programming so I'd appreciate detailed instructions. Currently I have the user login to the site, manually query the csv, and have my application load the file locally. I'd like to automate this by having the user enter his login information,...

ssl multi domain website

We need to secure a multi-langual web application with SSL (registration, login,..). However, this application is accessed by different domain names, exactly a domain name for each language (,, and so on). We're looking for the simplest and cheapest solution. We don't want to purchase a certifi...

webapplication login security

is it standard practice to send login information/account registration information over https? or is it an overkill? ...

.NET HttpListener - no traffic when listening to "https://*.8080" when browser proxy is set???

Hi, Background - I can get HttpListener working fine for HTTP traffic. I'm having trouble with HTTPS traffic however. QUESTION: How can I change the code below so that a browser request to a "https" URL will actually be picked up by my HttpListener? Notes - At the moment with firefox's proxy settings set to "localhost:8080", when ...

Android: Trusting all Certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS

Hi all, Recently posted a question regarding the HttpClient over Https (found here). I've made some headway, but I've run into new issues. As with my last problem, I can't seem to find an example anywhere that works for me. Basically, I want my client to accept any certificate (because I'm only ever pointing to one server) but I keep...

Setting up SSL on a local xampp/apache server

I'm trying to access a Active Directory from my local webserver. To do this I'm using the latest version of xampp and a PHP script called adLDAP. If I understand things right, I need to enable SSL to access https URLs. I've tried to google it but with no luck :( Could anyone link a tutorial or explain to me how to install SSL on xampp/ap...

how to make IXMLHTTPRequest work over HTTPS, client being WinCE

hi, i am creating a client, which uploads to and dowloads from WinCE client. the code works properly for HTTP but not for HTTPS. Can any one help me about the changes that needs to be done. Code of client on PC : private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MSXML2.DOMDocument xm...

Scriptable testing/debugging HTTP/HTTPS cookies and redirects

I need to setup some automated testing of HTTP requests, to check cookies are doing the right thing, with (manual) debugging when there is a problem. So far I've been muddling along with Firebug, but it's quite a bit of effort using that, and I would prefer some form of scriptable tool, both to make it easier for me and to allow an auto...

JavaFx MediaPlayer via HTTPS

I'm trying to make applet-videoplayer, that takes video files from PHP script via https. If source of data is httpS :// - it works httpS :// - it doesn't work HTTP :// - it works again. In php I make HTTP header, that contains: Content-type: video/x-flv Last-Modified: Wed, 14 Apr 2...