
Does the majority A-grade browsers cache content over https to disk?

I have read somewhere that javascript and css files that only get cached in memory sooner or later get pushed out by other content. Is this true? Are there any other issues regarding cashing SSL-objects? ...

Multiple http digest authentications to pull camera mjpg feeds into page

I have 7 IP cameras in a building on the LAN with a Mac OS 10.6 server. The cameras are broadcasting individual mjpg feeds, which are available on individual ports outside the subnet. Each feed is protected by http digest authentication. I would like to figure out 2 things: what is the best way to display a mjpg feed in a web page? (I...

Request builder call not returning when using ssl(https)

Hi , I am using GWT. Currently using gwt-rpc to for login authentication. For only login purpose i want to use ssl(https) and so instead of using gwt-rpc i am trying Request Builder and calling a servlet with https. When in Servlet URL i use protocol as http the request builder works perfectly and response returns to client side(onRespon...

Gwt How to call servlet/rpc through https from page originated from http

Hi , is there any way to call servlet or make a gwt-rpc call from gwt client and get back the response. Or to call RPC over https only for login purpose. Please suggest any method or workaround to implement the above task ...

How to make iPhone application accept incorrect server certificate but only specific one?

I need to work with private HTTPS API and client has incorrect certificate on the host. Certificate is for and I'm working with So I need to connect via HTTPS to ignoring incorrect certificate but still make sure it is the one for and not something else. I found...

from http to https

I have a simple web app: a web page with a form to submit, and a servlet on the server side. It works. I am now asked to change it so that the address of the form changes from to What are the steps to do this? Do I have to change my servlet? My deployment? My web...

Help with HTTP Intercepting Proxy in Ruby?

I have the beginnings of an HTTP Intercepting Proxy written in Ruby: require 'socket' # Get sockets from stdlib server = # Socket to listen on port 8080 loop { # Servers run forever Thread.start(server.accept) do |client| puts "** Got connection!" @output = "" ...

Https and Frames. Is connection encrypted?

Hello all. If I have a frame embedded into a html page. The page connects through http. My question is: If my frame connects through https is the connection and everything still encrypted despite the fact that the container page connects through http? UPDATE: Thank you everyone. So it is encrypted :) ...

Why does my WWW::Mechanize program time-out when it tries to login?

The site I was screen scraping (Which I have creds for) recently changed their server and blocked port 80. I thought I could just use port 443 for https but I get an timeout error now. I'm just creating a new WWW::Mechanize object and using the get() to scrape the site. My question is, do I need to add the cookie now that they use https...

HTTPS and C++ - Not an easy match?

I need to access a HTTPS protected website (HTML or XML) from an C++ MFC application and I would like an easy solution. But I did a little research and it's seems to me HTTPS and C++ don't play nice and easy together. Is there any recommended class library for HTTPS web access? Should be easy to use and not too expensive. ...

Does Google index HTTPS ASP.NET pages?

I have an online application that all of its pages use HTTPS. I have 3 questions: Does Google index HTTPS pages? I have a password protected single ASP.NET page (using HTTPS). Password protection is basically achieved by a Session object. When the correct password is entered, it hides the login panel and displays the same page which ha...

SSL with external static content server

I have a .Net web application that for performance issues gets all the static data (CSS, Images, JS) from an external server that is on different location and different hosting company. I want to enable SSL on my site without the users getting a message: "Page contains both secure and insecure elements" Does this means I’ll have to get...

Tomcat - HTTPS not working intermittently | "Page Cannot be Displayed" problems

We are facing this error intermittently. If we restart the server it works for some time and again the problem start. We also have another load balanced server with similar configuration and that is working fine. The server is running on Linux box. If we do the "ps -ef" its listing the TOMCAT process. URL :

Good articles to read on SSL and HTTPS?

I had a problem with accepting invalid SSL certificate in my iPhone program. That problem is solved now, however I came to understanding that I have very abstract idea on how exactly the whole thing is working: how web browser is verifying that received certificate is really for host it communicates to and not faked by same party in th...

HTTP Basic Authentication credentials passed in URL and encryption

Hello, I have a question about HTTPS and HTTP Authentication credentials. Suppose I secure a url with HTTP Authentication: <Directory /var/www/webcallback> AuthType Basic AuthName "Restricted Area" AuthUserFile /var/www/passwd/passwords Require user gooduser </Directory> I then access that URL from a remote system via HTTPS, passing...

Why am I getting a new session ID on every page fetch in my Perl WWW::Mechanize script?

So I'm scraping a site that I have access to via HTTPS, I can login and start the process but each time I hit a new page (URL) the cookie Session Id changes. How do I keep the logged in Cookie Session Id? #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use WWW::Mechanize; use HTTP::Cookies; use LWP::Debug qw(+); use HTTP::Request; use LWP:...

How to Include CSS and JS files via HTTPS when needed?

I am adding an external CSS file and an external JS file to my headers and footers. When loading an HTTPS page, some browsers complain that I am loading unsecured content. Is there an easy way to make the browser load the external content via HTTPS when the page itself is HTTPS? ...

Apache mod_proxy and https

Can I use Apache mod_proxy to proxypass a http url to a https url? For example, proxypass /app/ to ...

Use a different port with RequireHttps filter in MVC2

Is it possible to use [RequireHttps] filter with a different port other than 443? I can't find much documentation about it. ...

HTTPS with Self-Signed SSL Certificate Issues... Solution or better way?

All I need to do is download some basic text-based and image files from a web server that has a self-signed SSL certificate. I have been trying to figure out how to use HttpClient to do this, but getting the SSL to work is a nightmare that seems to be way too much trouble for such a simple task. Is there a better way to perform these f...