
webservice over HTTPS with self-signed cert in ColdFusion?

How to enable webservice call over HTTPS with self-signed cert in ColdFusion 9? According to the doc, <cfhttp> should work, but how about <cfinvoke>? If I use cfhttp, do I still need to install the cert as outlined here? I tried simply using https in cfinvoke, I got SSLPeerUnverifiedException...

HowTo use https / ssl with Maven/Mortbay Jetty Plugin?

I would like to use ssl / https as described in using jetty-maven-plugin, but I don't know how to configure the plugin. Any hint, example, tutorial, walkthrough ? Also, I wonder how to carry out Step 3b of the above mentioned tutorial, where manipulation the jetty server is n...

pass secure information from one server to another

The situation is this: A payment is made to one server, and on completion, it must notify another server securely. What I am trying to do is actually quite similar to a notify_url of a payment service. I.E. paypal receives a payment, and then notifies the origin through a long URL. How does one verify the data being passed. Any useful l...

Consuming a WCF Service with Monotouch via SSL (https) + basicHttpBinding

I'm currently writing a iphone app which will consume WCF services over a secure connection (SSL/https). I have managed to consume this service while testing locally via http. Now we want to make sure the service is secure, so we've set up a UAT server with a properly signed certificate to run our tests. We are using a custom binding... while creating https conenction,

Hi All, I am trying to create a https connection and its working fine in a test class.but when i call the same method in action class its getting following error after step 666666666666. at at

Create a batch to automate HTTPS GET requests

how can i create a batch that can send HTTPS requests ? byfar i used Fiddler Request Builder so i can send requests like: GET**[HERE-VARIABLE-FROM-FILE]**&amp;min=1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Referer:;min=1 Accept-Language: en-us Accept-Encoding...

HTTPS SSL 443 Mezcal

is there a Mezcal -like program that supports Security Certificates? or something like Fiddler where i can automate a GET**[HERE-VARIABLE-FROM-FILE]**&amp;min=1 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Referer:;min=1 Accept-Language: en-us Accept-Encoding: gzip, ...

Silverlight: connecting to secured ASMX service

I need to connect to an ASMX secured web service over HTTPS using Silverlight 4. I have been able to connect to the service using a WPF application using the following configuration: <binding name="wsSomeWebService" closeTimeout="00:01:00" openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00" allowCookies...

Can you submit a Post request over https to an iframe, from a form that is in http?

I've got a pretty form that loads on any page on the site to prompt a user to login. However this can be from any http page. The login form processing script however is in https, or at least it should be so that the information is secure. Can I submit the login request via POST if i specify in the action that it should be sent over htt...

How do you access the current location of an iframe?

The problem is I'm using an iframe to process a login form via POST over https, but the parent hosting the iframe is http (although in the same domain) is this doable? I can't test this quite yet because I can only use https in our staging environment. Thanks function process_form(f){ var l = $("iframe#loginFrame"); i...

Is it possible to get the url of an iframe when the src is https and the parent is http?

I get an error on String(u).indexOf() saying access denied http to https... so I'm thinking this doesn't work. But maybe i'm missing something. This is on the same domain, just a different protocol. function process_form(f){ var l = $("iframe#loginFrame"); if(l.length==0){ f.attr("target","loginFrame"); ...

how can i generate a web service proxy behind https and client certificate request

I'm trying to generate a web service client with eclipse (I also tried with jdeveloper and netbeans). The WSDL is behind a https server with client certificate request. I can connect and generate the classes with this command: java

ASP.NET HTTP to HTTPS redirect with www prefix

I am using this simple code to redirect http to https on my billing landing page: if (!Request.IsSecureConnection) { // send user to SSL string serverName =HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]); string filePath = Request.FilePath; Response.Redirect("https://" + serverName + filePath); } ...

Silverlight/ASMX/HTTPS: browser challenges end-user for credentials

I am trying to connect to a secured ASMX web service over HTTPS using Silverlight 4. When I add the web service reference I get challeged for credentials and I get warned that those credentials will be sent in clear text over the network; however, since the data is transported over HTTPS this should not be a concern. The resulting Serv...

redirect an internal IP from HTTP to HTTPS with Apache

Hey all- I have looked this up on here and Google but none of the suggestions seem to be working for me. I'm working on an internal site at this point so the endpoints are IPs vs URLs. Accessing the site via HTTPS works, but HTTP just says "Cannot establish a connection". I can't seem to find anything in the logs that explains why. I...

Android not playing HTML5 video on HTTPS

I am using HTML5 element to play a sample.mp4. It plays fine if using HTTP protocol. If I change the URL to use HTTPS, it will give error "Sorry, this video cannot be played." The SSL certificate is valid. I have tried on both IIS and Apache server. <video src="sample.mp4" id="myvideo" /> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document....

Sending sensitive data as a query string parameter

We are reviewing the design of a system. And need to verify what we think may be a security issue. In this system some sensitive information is sent in the query string. Question is: Can the query string parameters be read as the request goes over the internet, even if the request is sent over https? Can the query string parameters be...

How to use custom google search on https to avoid non secure content prompt on https

Is there a way to get the script for search results from an HTTPS site instead of I am using the custom google business search on a HTTPS site. When search is submitted web browser shows warning: "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items" I tried to modify the source to be ...

Mysterious mixed content warning - it appears to all be https with no http?

Hi all. I have an https page which launches a shadowbox which itself has a page inside it. The shadowbox content is got with whatever protocol the parent page is, so loads with https as well. When the shadowbox page loads I get a mixed content warning, saying that some parts are not encrypted. Usually this happens when some of the ...

HTTPSConnection figure out what underlying provider is being used

I am opening an HTTPSUrlConnection similar to the code below. I want to be sure that a certain provider is being used (the RSA one I loaded). How can I query the HTTPSUrlConnection to determine the provider being used? URL url = new URL("https://myhost:8081/index.html"); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); HttpsURLConnection http...