
Points enclosed by a custom defined Hypercube

I have a N-dimensional vector, X and 'n' equidistant points along each dimension and a parameter 'delta'. I need a way to find the total of n^N vectors enclosed by the Hypercube defined with the vector X at the center and each side of Hypercube being of size 2*delta. For example: Consider a case of N=3, so we have a Cube of size (2*de...

How-to map process to an Hypercube using MPI_CART

Hi, I am trying to implement bitonic sorting using MPI for 2^n processors. I would like to use an n-dimensional hypercube to do so for convenience. Using MPI_Cart_Create I can create self-organising dimensions. Doing so will maximize efficiency of my process and also reduce the number of LOC I have to spit to get it done.. Googling AND...

A leader election algorithm for an oriented hypercube

I'm stuck with some problem where I have to design a leader election algorithm for an oriented hypercube. This should be done by using a tournament with a number of rounds equal to the dimension D of the hypercube. In each stage d, with 1 <= d < D two candidate leaders of neighbouring d-dimensional hypercubes should compete to become the...

MPI hypercube broadcast error

I've got a one to all broadcast method for a hypercube, written using MPI: one2allbcast(int n, int rank, void *data, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype) { MPI_Status status; int mask, partner; int mask2 = ((1 << n) - 1) ^ (1 << n-1); for (mask = (1 << n-1); mask; mask >>= 1, mask2 >>= 1) { if (rank & mask2 == 0) { pa...

C++ How to generate the set of cartesian product of n-dimensional tuples

I wish to generate some data that represents the co-ordinates of a cloud of points representing an n-cube of n dimensions. These points should be evenly distributed throughout the n-space and should be able to be generated with a user-defined spacing between them. This data will be stored in an array. ...

C++ Generate and store the co-ordinates of an n-cube

I want to write a function to generate and store the co-ordinates of an n-cube and I have no idea how to start. Specifically, I wish to generate the co-ordinates for an evenly or randomly distributed cloud of points for this n-cube and store them. What would be a good way to start with this or if possible, a quick solution? ...