
Do WPF hyperlinks only work in pages?

Hi I'm new to the Hyperlink control. I wish to have a hyperlink in a regular WPF window which will navigate to a URL by opening the standard browser. I have added the hyperlink, but it does nothing. I guess it was a bit much to hope for. Before I implement a handler to do the work myself, can anyone please confirm that the Hyperlink co...

How do I linkify text in Perl?

I have some text I want to linkify, which I can reasonably do with a regex (search for http/https or www) but I'm worried about XSS complications. What's a safe way to do this in Perl? ...

MFC : creating a hyperlink in a button

Hi All, Is there an easy way in MFC to add a hyperlink in a button? I've searched the net and they seem to offer complicated stuff. Thanks. ...

Facebook iFrame app links send outside

Hello Guys! any FB experts here? After reading about 15 thread on FB forums I don'T know where to go next =( We have an iFrame FB app: http://apps.facebook.com/myapp all links used in app are like: href="http://www.mysite.com/index.php?parm=value ..." now when I click on any link, I am out of facebook and land on our server. Don't ...

CSS! Do you have to repeat same properties for each link state? (link, visited, hover...etc) ?

Is it necessary or bad practice to repeat properties that aren't changing in each link type? Like this: a:link {display: block; width: 50px;} a:visited {display: block; width: 50px; color: #000;} a:hover {display: block; width: 50px; color: #FFF} a:active {display: block; width: 50px; color: #FFF} Does display block need to be in eac...

Issues with links while trying to converting HTML to XML

I am trying to convert an html file to xml. It is working for the most part. The issue I am having is with links. Right now it seems to be completely ignoring the link in my test file. Here is the convert code: <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt'); e...

Execute PHP on clicking a link

My website's pages are (or will) all be identical, except for the content of the #main div. So I was thinking in the <head> I could do <?php $page = "home.html"?>, where home.html is the bare contents (not a full html page - no <html>, <head> etc.) of the main div for the home page. So then inside <div id="main"> and </div> I could have ...

How to render plain HTML links in Asp.Net MVC loop?

I would like to render a list of HTML links in ASP.NET MVC. Note that the links are absolute and external to the website being designed. The following code works: <% foreach (var item in Model) { %> <tr> <td> <%= Html.Encode(item.Id) %> </td> <td> <%= String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">li...

User Generated Hyperlinks to Files Hosted on a Network Share

My ultimate goal is to allow users to select a file from a dialog as if they are uploading a file. Instead of file being saved to the server, a hyperlink will be generated from the file's path. This hyperlink will then be used on our intranet page in order to open the file located on our network share. Is there any practical way to ac...

How to preserve hyperlink when submitting via php form into MySQL

Hi All, I've created a form that stores free text fields into a MySQL database. All works fine and the data is displayed back as intended when viewed. Except for one niggle. In an attempt to prevent malicious attacks I have used mysql_real_escape_string to remove any unwanted code from the input. However, I need to be able to preserv...

App Store Links

Hey all. Im using the following string in the "[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:]" function to access the app store app and make a predefined search in the app store on a button press in my app. @"http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?term=[MY APP NAME]&media=software This works great if the app store app w...

Send value of gridview row using hyperlink within it

I am not able to sent the value of the MachineID to another page using the hyperlink in gridview. <!-- <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="FailedFiles" SortExpression="NumFailedFilesOverSLA"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Text='<%#Bind("NumFailedFilesOverSLA...

Broken Hyperlinks In RTF File

I'm using a RichTextBox to display an RTF file, which includes a single hyperlink. The link text is not a URL (the target is a valid URL). The RTF was created with Word. Both Word and Wordpad properly recognize the links (Wordpad does not launch the links, but shows the appropriate hand cursor). When I load the RTF into a RichTextBox th...

How to generate one-time-use links? Any CMS or framework solutions?

I'm making a site for a writers management company. They get tons of script submissions every day from prospective and often unsolicited writers. The new site will allow a prospective writer to submit a short logline / sample of his or her idea. This idea gets sent to an email account at the management group. If the management group like...

Hyperlinks are not working in excel sheet in sharepoint

Hi I have uploaded the excel sheet on my sharepoint site.it is opening in a webpart. I have some hyperlinks columns in my sheet. But when i trying to access the hyperlink it is not navigate. why ? In my excel sheet whet it is opening in MS office it is working fine. ...

HTML/JavaScript Linking

This question may have been asked before, but I had trouble finding an answer, since I didn't quite know what search terms to use. In HTML, how do you make a link go a place, but execute JavaScript instead when it is clicked? Right now, I have a link that's somewhat like this: <a href="#" onclick="javascript:dostuff()">Stuff</a> But,...

Flash banner advert with html link

Hi, I'm working on a website which has advert banners which link to external pages. I've recently added the ability to have flash banners, but am stuck on how to make the banners link without editing the flash file. The idea is that clients wanting to advertise on the site send a flash advert which is then linked to their site through...

code for take the link contained in the email

I wrote a code for fetching mail from the inbox in php. It is working well . But actually i need to take the link contained in the message.. I want to take the link address which are came in the message part. Can you help me for doing this.. ...

PHP - want to check if user input has website address in it

I want that whenver a user inserts "www." in a comment textarea, the address from "www." until the first space will be a replaced with a link to that address: "I love www.google.com" turns into "I love <a href="www.google.com">www.google.com</a>" Can you please tell me how to do this? (newbie) (sorry for posting the earlier question ...

Is it possible to disable the clicking of links in a WPF Frame control?

I have a WPF Frame control in an application that I use to load a preview of a page that doesn't exist on the server yet. Because it doesn't exist, and because it's inside my app, I need to figure out a way to ideally disable the hyperlinks so they can't be clicked. Although, forcing it to load in a new window so it's no longer in my a...