
code for decode link address from a message body

I need a code for take the link address that be in the email message body. Now i take message body in a variable and i can print that one on the screen. Now i need to take the link contained in it. Or otherwise need a code for converting that text file in t an html format . please help for doing this ...

Keep old URLs when implementing UrlRewriter.net

I added UrlRewriter.net to my site today and it works fine with redirecting my SEO links to actual pages. The question is if there is any way to keep my old links in site and have ResolveUrl() using the rules to output links in my page. The "old" links should never be viewed by either search bots or users. Example link in page: <a href...

Click a link on a home page and have it open an accordion other then default actice

Hi I need to be able to click a special menu link on the homepage and have it open a page with an accordion open to a different section other then the one that is normally active (0) when you visit the page from the default (different) menu link. I am pretty new to jQuery but I think I can follow proposed solutions. Thanks! ...

Adding extension to URL: Rails

I'm setting up some link_to xml views within a rails app. How can the url display the .xml extension? Need it to appear as: http://localhost:3000/test/1-testing.xml Currently it appears as: http://localhost:3000/test/1-testing ...

hiding a link in asp.net

hi, in the following master.cs code..... public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.MasterPage { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BasePage page = (BasePage)Page; if (page.CurrentUser != null) { lblCurrentUser.Text = "<strong>" + page.CurrentUser.FullName + "</strong> ...

html link breaks

Hi i have the code below <a id="treeSelector" style="cursor:pointer" > <img src="../../graphics/tree.gif" align="left" style="padding-right:5px;"/> <span>Root Page</span> <img src="../../graphics/arrow_down.gif" align="absmiddle"/> </a> My Problem is that using the span inside when mouseover the cursor form pointer becom...

In emacs how does the "hyperlink" in the *Help* buffer work?

I'm trying to figure out how the "hyperlink" works in the *Help* buffer (so that I can implement something similar in the output of M-x compile). Here is a more detailed description of the behaviour I want to imitate: M-x describe-function find-file opens up a *Help* buffer. The first line of this buffer (for me) shows: find-file is an i...

replace URLs in text with links to URLs

Using Python I want to replace all URLs in a body of text with links to those URLs, like what Gmail does. Can this be done in a one liner regular expression? Edit: by body of text I just meant plain text - no HTML ...

How do you make the area of a div clickable? Not the whole div!

If you have a background image in a div with a (drawn) button in the middle and some other drawings around it. How do you make the button clickable but not the whole div because I don't want the user to click the drawings around it, if that makes sense!? I am I wasting my time playing with padding and margins? Should I just create two di...

Link in Javascript alert

I want to put a link in a Javascript alert. Is this possible? (I've searching for a solution, but I keep getting things about links that fire alerts!) ...

HTML: How to get my subpages listed on a google search

When you go to Google and perform a search, it will return either one of two type of results: just the title of your webpage, or the title of your web-page plus, lists subpages it found on that web site Here is an example of option #2: http://37assets.s3.amazonaws.com/svn/grub-ellis-googlelisting.png My website on a google.com sea...

Is there any way to have WebView auto-link URLs and phone numbers in Android?

If a page has a URL or a phone number on it that isn't a link is there any way to have WebView recognize it and automatically turn it into a link like you can with TextViews? With a TextView you would simply set the android:autoLink to the desired settings: <TextView android:autoLink="web|phone" ... /> but I can't find any eq...

How to embed links in localized text.

Problem: I am internationalizing an ASP.Net MVC application, but sentences with linked text have given me pause. Take the following as an example: English: "Please login to continue." Português: "Entre por favor para continuar." Note that since "login" is hyperlinked, I must have the translator denote which corresponding word or ph...

magento - add links to footer but not to top navigational menu

Hi there, I want to add links to the footer - such as Customer service etc.. I do this by editing the CMS static block, footer links. However when I do this, they also appear in the very top menu. Anyone know how to add links to the footer without them appearing in the top navigational menu? Regards and thanks, Fiona ...

Links within and outside List elements not working

I'm trying to create a unordered list, with each li element having it's own background image (no text, just image), but I'm having trouble (in Firefox at least, it works in Safari) getting the link to work. In Firefox, the image changes on hover, but doesn't let you click. How do I get it to work in Firefox? I've tried the A tag within a...

How to get ASP.NET HyperLink control to encode ampersands in Text attribute?

I use the following control to output a HTML link: <asp:HyperLink ID="hlEditDetails" runat="server" CssClass="arrow-forward" Text="Edit Details &amp; Photo" /> However, when it does, the markup is generated as: <a id="ctl00_hlEditDetails" class="arrow-forward" href="/EventName/EditDetails.aspx?ID=1">Edit Details & Photo</a> The une...

Clickable GridViewRow overriding child HyperLink

So I made each row of a GridView clickable using this method: protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { e.Row.Attributes["OnClick"] = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(GridView1, "Select$" + e.Row.RowIndex.ToString()); }...

Linking two UIScrollViews so they follow each others touches

I want to make a list, that is divided in 2 parts, left and right. The left part can only scroll vertically (has a list in it). The right part scrolls vertically, and horizontally.. So, I want a control that has a list on the left side, and a view on the right side, both detect scrolls. But the left part always stays on the screen, and ...

Pretty Photo Set linking Issues

Hello, Yesterday a nice stack overflow user helped me to trigger the Jquery Prettyphoto Lightbox from a DIV element rather than an A element. You can find that solution here This works... Almost. Pretty Photo looks for all the links that reference it and then compiles them into a slideshow of iframes. Normally when you click on a lin...

hyperlink in ruby on rails

This is something probably trivial but i can't quite find my way round it: How do i add a hyperlink from one ruby-file.html.erb to another please? ...