
Returning ActionResult in an AsyncController when an event ocurrs

I would like EndGetMatches in the code below to get called when a certain event is fired. BeginGetMatches executes and completes but I don't want EndGetMatches to get called yet. I want to return the ActionResult only when my other Thread notifies me i'm ready to. public delegate void MatchEvent(MatchEventArgs args); public IAsyncResult...

Iasyncresult - why it is not just object, why it is interface?

Hi, I just cannot figure out what why IAsyncResult is an interface instead of simple object. As I remember correctly, interface contains only method names without implementation so I canot see how it is used here as I do not derive any class of it nor override its methods? I am just confused..Thanks ...

Two questions on ensuring EndInvoke() gets called on a list of IAsyncResult objects

So this question is regarding the .Net IAsyncResult design pattern and the necessity of calling EndInvoke as covered in this question Background I have some code where I'm firing off potentially many asynchronous calls to a particular function and then waiting for all these calls to finish before using EndInvoke() to get back all the r...

Can I use a single instance of a delegate to start multiple Asynchronous Requests?

Just wondered if someone could clarify the use of BeginInvoke on an instance of some delegate when you want to make multiple asynchronous calls since the MSDN documentation doesn't really cover/mention this at all. What I want to do is something like the following: MyDelegate d = new MyDelegate(this.TargetMethod); List<IAsyncResult> re...

During BeginInvoke calls, what does the @object parameter refer to ?

Hi, In a sample use of the BeginInvoke thread pool method: ... Func<string, int> method = someWorkMethod; IAsyncResult cookie = method.BeginInvoke("test", ... One of the expected parameters (the last one), in BeginInvoke is: object @object What does the @ signify ? Thanks, Scott ...

Help me solve this Threading issue with GPS

I have a GPS class which i obviously use to acquire the latitudes and longitudes. The UpdateData() is called when the gps state or location is changed. So i make sure that both the Latitude and Longitude is valid and then i make the DataReady bool equal to true. So i use this code in a fairly n00b fashion where i use a Timer (Windows ...

Can AsyncCallback use a non-static delegate?

I'm using .net remoting, with asynchronous function calls to handle the ipc of my current project. I'm running into an issue where I'd like the client to: ASynchronously request information Continue loading the GUI When the ASynchronous call is complete, load it into the gui I do this with the following code GetFileTextDelegat...

.net Remoting: Detect if a server isn't running

I'm working on an app that uses .net remoting for IPC. When my client app starts up, it uses the following code to connect to the server: chnl = gcnew HttpChannel(); ChannelServices::RegisterChannel(chnl, false); IPCObjectInstance = (BaseRemoteObject)Activator.GetObject( typeof(BaseRemoteObject), "http://localhost...

WCF service aync pattern feedback on failed transmission

I am working in Silverlight 4 and implementing a Polling Duplex service with an asynchronous pattern used to update the clients. // interface for messages back to client [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, AsyncPattern=true)] IAsyncResult BeginSendMessage(byte[] MessageData, AsyncCallback callback, object State); void ...

vb.net implimenting IAsyncResult.AsyncState

I can easily do this in C#...but I need the equivolent in VB.Net. I need to be able to implement various IAsyncResult properties in VB.Net. IN C# Works like a champ... public object AsyncState { get; set; } IN VB.NET - THIS FAILS This fails because you cannot overload a property in VB.Net Public ReadOnly Property AsyncState() As ...

2nd BeginInvoke call claims already completed. Why?

I'm repeatedly calling a method with BeginInvoke. After each call, I call EndInvoke. The problem is that for the second call, the IsCompleted member in the returned IAsyncResult is set to true IMMEDIATELY after the BeginInvoke call. This causes a malfunction, because the program then thinks the second call is done. Why does it do thi...

Updating a DataRepeater inside updatepanel with IAsyncResult not working!

I am having trouble binding data to data repeater when I use ISyncResult. This is what I am doing. There is a button inside a Update Panel that gets the input from the user and calls a function that returns a dataset that I then bind to data repeater which is also inside a update panel. What I did is that I made a delegate to this functi...