
IBatis.net converting project from VS2003 to VS2008 crashes on load

The project has been working fine in 2003 but when opening it in 2008 we now get the below error. I've tried ripping all of the code out of the 'Accessory' result map and then it just goes onto the next result map and tells me the same error with that one. Any thoughts? [ERROR]-- Accessing Accessory Datasource -- Error: Data connectio...

Is there active development going on IBatis.Net DataMapper?

Is there active development going on IBatis.Net DataMapper? Do they have version for .Net 3.5. I saw lots of activity on iBatis Java DataMapper as they are planning to release iBatis3 with annotation support. What is the status of its .Net counterpart? ...

Getting stored procedure's return value with iBatis.NET

How can I retrieve the return value of a stored procedure using iBatis.NET? The below code successfully calls the stored procedure, but the QueryForObject<int> call returns 0. SqlMap <procedure id="MyProc" parameterMap="MyProcParameters" resultClass="int"> MyProc </procedure> <parameterMap id="MyProcParameters"> <parameter pr...

How to use my own connection when using iBatis Data Mapper?

How can I use my own connection Provider when using iBatis Data Mapper? I have to use UserId and Password of the user performing the db operation in the ConnectionString? E.g. The following ConnectionString has to be modified to insert the userid and password for user performing the db operation. Data Source=TEST;Persist Security Info=T...

iBatis.net and IOC DI

Hey all, I'm using iBatis.net as my ORM and Structuremap for my IOC library. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get iBatis to use the IOC container to create objects instead of relying on the default constructor. Is there a way that anyone knows of to enhance iBatis in such a way? Currently as a work around I'm doing a hack of a...

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown

Hi I have an application which throws "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException'". Which reduces the performance of the server,the CPU usage was around 95%. I dont know the reason why this problem is occuring .... can any one pls tell wats the reason for the error and how can i sort it out???? This is my stack trace: ...

iBATIS.NET / ResultMapping issue moving to 64-bit, Windows 2008 environment

In moving from one hosting provider to another, I've moved my ASP.NET 2.0 app from Windows Server 2003 32-bit to Windows Server 2008 64-bit Both servers are running MSSQL 2005 and I restored a backup from the old server on the new server. I am using iBATIS.NET's DataMapper (1.1.458) and now my ResultMappings aren't working properly. I ...

IBATIS - Stored procedure timeout

i have this procedure statement <procedure id="InsertIOs" parameterMap="InsertIOsParams"> SP_InsertIOs </procedure> </statements> <parameterMaps> <parameterMap id="InsertIOsParams"> <parameter property="iosxml" column="iosxml" dbType="VarChar"/> </parameterMap> </parameterMaps> The name of the stored ...

ibatis - where to place the <cacheModel> tag ?

I have the map config file like this <sqlMap ..............> <alias> <typeAlias ......../> </alias> <statements> .... <sql>....</sql> <select cacheModel="cache-select-all">....</select> <update>...</update> <procedure>...</procedure> ..... </statements> <parameterMaps>...

ibatis - cannot set cacheModel

I want to set cacheModel on an insert and i do it like this: <select id="SelectAll_Cache" resultClass="SN" cacheModel="cache-select-all"> <include refid="GetAll_SN"/> </select> <cacheModel id="cache-select-all" implementation="LRU" readOnly="false" serialize="true"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <property name="size" value="8...

iBatis schemas not working in Visual Studio 2010

iBatis comes with three schema files that provide intellisense to VS.Net. According to the iBatis help docs, the location should be this: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml or this if you have x64 installed: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml The...

Handling Transactions in DAO with an Injected iBATIS.NET SQL Mapper

I am currently using iBATIS.NET for a small application I am building. I like to create concrete Classes for my DAOs instead of using ISqlMapper directly and invoking named SQL statements. I am not using a Dependency Injection container of any sort, so ideally I have my DAOs set up as follows: public abstract class AbstractDAO { ///...

How to force refresh cache from ibatis?

I'm working on a project and we're using Ibatis for the first time. We've mapped several sql statements, but for some cases, some statements seem to disappear from the statement list (like if they were never mapped). I get the next error from Ibatis: "This SQL map does not contain a MappedStatement named [the name of my statement]"...