
Reusing a resultMap for different column names

Is there a way of reusing the same resultMap multiple times in a single query. For example, suppose I have a "foo" resultMap: <resultMap id="foo" class="Foo"> <result property="Bar" column="bar" /> </resultMap> Is there a way to define another resultMap that reuses the above for different columns? Something like... <resultMap id="...

iBatisNet with c#.Net 3.0

Does any body know where to get iBatisNet with DomSqlBuilder in C#.Net and Sql Server provider? ...

ibatis.net - isqlmapper.BeforeQuery missing in 1.6.1

We are trying to upgrade to iBatis.Net DataMapper 1.6.1 (from 1.5.1). I am getting an error on this line: ((SqlMapDaoSession)daoManager.GetDaoSession()).SqlMap.BeforeQuery += new BeforeQueryDelegate(SqlMap_BeforeQuery); I cannot even find a reference to this BeforeQuery event anywhere. 0 matches on Google! Any ideas? ...

Best way to retrieve the connection string for IBATIS.NET from the web.config

I have an web application where I have a requirement to encrypt and store the connection string in the web.config. What is the best way to retrieve this and use this connection string with IBATIS.NET instead of storing the connection string in the SqlMap.config? ...

How to serialize an IList<T>?

I've got an OR mapper (iBatis.Net) that returns an IList. // IList<T> QueryForList<T>(string statementName, object parameterObject); var data = mapper.QueryForList<Something>(statement, parameters); I'm trying to use it in an webservice an want to return the data 1:1. Of course I can't return IList in a WebMethod, because it is an int...

Using iBATIS.NET with generic custom collection interfaces and Unity.

Hi, I'm trying to use a generic custom collection interface (to support injection with Microsoft Patterns and Practices Unity) in a class O/R mapped with iBATIS.NET. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how to do it? I have an IDataItemCollection<T> interface that I map to SqlDataItemCollection<T> which extends CollectionBas...

Can iBATIS.NET work with ICollection?

Hi, This question is in relation to another question I have: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/603808/using-ibatis-net-with-generic-custom-collection-interfaces-and-unity The problem seems to be that iBATIS.NET will only populate a custom collection (i.e. QueryForObject("Select_Foo") which has a custom collection of Bars) if it is a c...

What is the difference between NHibernate and iBATIS.NET?

I am looking for some up to date information comparing NHibernate and iBATIS.NET. I found some information searching Google, but a good bit of it applies either to the Java versions of these products or is dated. Some specific things I am interested in: Which is better if you control both the data model and the application? iBATIS is...

Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100. ?

A search query returned this error. I have a feeling its because the in clause is ginormous on a subordinant object, when I'm trying to ORM the other object. Apparently in clauses shouldn't be built 1 parameter at a time. Thanks ibatis. ...

Parent/Child relationship persistance in IBatis.net

What is the correct approach for persisting parent child object graph in my sqlMap? I want to insert a new fully populated object, with parent and children, into two separate tables. Is the correct approach to persist the parent as a first step and then use the "iterate" tag to dynamically write sql to persist the children? ...

ibatis.net or nhibernate on mono

Hi, I need a stable orm or dataccess framework to use with mono Does anyone used ibatis.net (3.0 alpha or older) or nhibernate 2.1 on mono, are they solid enough for production use ? Regards, sirmak ...

IBatis.Net on VS 2008 first run

Examples can't be compiled. Tryed to remove NUnit references but got the error: [ConfigurationException: - The error occurred while loading SqlMap. - The error occurred in <sqlMap resource=... Tryed to create a very simple test but got the same error. It doesn't say what is the issue in my SqlMap. Couldn't find an example that reall...

Reduce number of config files to as few as possible

For most of my applications I use iBatis.Net for database access/modeling and log4Net for logging. In doing this, I need a number of *.config files for each project. For example, for a simple application I need to have the following *.config files: app.config ([AssemblyName].[Extention].config) [AssemblyName].SqlMap.config [Assembly...

Need help for IBatis?

Hi all, I am using IBatis for my applicaiton. I am using IBatis 1.6.1 version.I thought it can handle all operations related to DB connections. But I am having little bit concern about this now. Sometimes I am getting the following error details to my log file, Message Unable to open connection to "MySQL, MySQL provider". Sourc...

iBatis.NET SqlMap.config file not found

I am using iBatis.NET in a very simple test project (VS 2008). When I run the suite and the Mapper is instantiated a FileNotFoundException pops up on opening SqlMap.config. The path where iBatis.NET looks for this file is "the current TestResults folder \ Out". Naturally, the file isn't copied there so the Mapper constructor fails. I mu...

Maintaining / Auto-generating IBatis SQL Maps?

Hello, I just started a new job and inherited the project from hell. Hell = {2 years over schedule, overly complex, uses both oracle and sql server} There are 100+ stored procedures in the Oracle server and each one has a IBatis SQL Map. Some share the same result map. The DBA likes to change stores procs on a daily basis and not tell m...

caching per request in ASP.NET?

I'm using both IBatis.NET and Spring.NET on a project at work and I'd like to figure out if I can leverage both/either frameworks to achieve "per-request caching" on all calls into my DAL layer. In other words, every time an HTTP request is served by ASP.NET, I would like first call into a DAL method to hit the remote DB, but all calls ...

iBatis.Net SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5

Hi I want to migrate one of our databasis from SQL Server Express to SQL Server Compact 3.5. I'm using iBatis.Net but do not know what the providers.config must look like for me to be able to access SQL CE 3.5. Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks Johan ...

Is there a Query-Mapper like iBATIS.NET but with dirty tracking, lazy-loading and cascading updates?

The problem: A DBA-controlled database with a Stored Procedure-only mandate. An expectation that the domain be defined in POCO's. So I decided that I need an ORM designed for stored procedures and/or legacy databases. Ideally the ORM should allow me to declaratively (or fluently) map domain objects to CRUD stored procedures. Some f...

Does IBatis.NET work on Compact Framework?

Do you have any experience running IBatis.NET on Compact Framework? I can see that there are no CF specific releases, but I wonder if it would be possible to compile it for CF. Do you know if IBatis.NET's dependency on DynamicProxy is necessary or if it could be eliminated? ...