
FTP proxy server component based on synapse or ICS - Delphi

Hello there, Does anybody know of some sample codes or a component of ftp proxy (server) based on Synapse or ICS for Delphi? ...

vcalendar vs icalendar

What is the difference between vcalendar and icalendar? Is it only the VERSION difference as 1.0 and 2.0 respectively? For sending a Meeting Request with iCalendar and vcalendar, I specify the MIME type as text/calendar. The email sent with iCalendar appears as a Meeting Request while the one with vCalendar appears as an attachment. W...

Outlook 2010 ignores VALARM of Web calendar (ICS) generated by my application

Hello, My web application (ASP.NET MVC) exports ICS calendar (webcal://host/calendar.ics), which I'm testing with Outlook 2010 and 2007 now. Apparently, no matter what, VALARM section of the calendar is being ignored by Outlook altogether and no reminder is being set at all: BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT30M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Remind...

ICS in Outlook being sent as a .msg file

I have an application, it is creating an ICS similar to the following: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:[email protected] ORGANIZER:MAILTO:[email protected] DTSTART:20100803T190000Z DTEND:20100803T200000Z LOCATION:Go to a...

access facebook with ICS-SSL

Hi, I'm trying to access/login to facebook with a program(OverbyteIcsHttpTst.exe) compiled with delphi using component ThttpCli ( ICS-SSL which is the latest version that support https). www.overbyte.be/eng/products/ics.html The idea is, i wanna to access to facebook just like ordinary browser did. for example, i trying to login by "p...

Writing ICS files for multiple clients, including Google

I need to write a script for publishing .ICS files. I've read that it's difficult to do this right, either because some calendar clients are buggy (lots of people claim Google Calendar is extremely buggy especially regarding time zones) or because developers aren't following the spec properly. I only need to do this for North America bu...