
J2ME Read ID3 Tags From Walkman (Sony Ericsson)

Is there any way to read the currently playing song title/artist (id3 tags) in walkman on sony ericsson (w series) phone? ...

Linux: Library to write ID3v2 data and cover art

I need to locate a command line tool that would allow me to write (read is not required) ID3v2 and album art to an MP3 file. Command line is required as it will be executed from PHP, so no graphical interface. Searches of Google have proved fruitless, so perhaps there is a tool available that will enable me to do this? ...

MP3 and OGG tags in PHP

Except and does anyone know of any other way to work from PHP with tags on audio files? I need to read and write them, and KTagLib seems a little too much for the job, and also don't really get the documentation, and getID3 seems to only write ID3v1 tags. ...

Universal MP3 and WMA tag reader for Delphi

I know similar subjects have appeared in SO, but there wasn’t answer I am looking for. I need a Delphi library for reading tag information from music files. Currently I am using TJvID3v1 from JEDI library, but as far as I see, JEDI does not work with WMA files. I have found some manuals on how to implement such tag reading, but most of ...

Editing MP3 metadata on a file-like object in Python?

We're generating MP3 files on the fly in Python, and need to edit the ID3 headers in-memory using a file-like object. All the ID3 libraries on PyPI appear to require you to pass a filesystem path as a string. I find this rather frustrating! Writing our generated MP3 out to disk (or ramdisk) just to add ID3 tags is unacceptable for a ...

How to get artist name from music file by using php..?

I have a music file having artist name or author name.I want to fetch author details by using php.Is it possible? ...

upload image and video

I have a web site that is created in flash.There is a link for upload images and videos .I want to create this uploading module for this link.There is also a requirement that the images and videos which is upload to the user created folders or albums like orkut image uploading.The video should be maximum 5-6 minutes. I want a brief answ...

Python bitwise operations confusion

I came up with this "magic string" to meet the ID3 tagging specification: The ID3v2 tag size is encoded with four bytes where the most significant bit (bit 7) is set to zero in every byte, making a total of 28 bits. The zeroed bits are ignored, so a 257 bytes long tag is represented as $00 00 02 01. >>> hex_val = 0xFFFFFFFF >>> str...

how to read mp3 file tags

Hi all, I want to have a program (might be an idea for simple program), to read metadata from a Mp3 file. My program should also able to edit these meta data. what can i do? I got to search out for some open source code. But they have code; but not simplified idea for my job they are going to do. When i read further i found there ar...

How to read and write ID3 tags to an MP3 in C#?

Is there a library for reading and writing ID3 tags to an MP3 in C#? I've actually seen a couple when searching, anybody using any that can be recommended? ...

What are the APIC formats in ID3 tags supported by the iPhone?

What are the formats supported by the iPhone in the APIC (album covers) field of ID3 tags? ...

Android - Reading ID3 tags from mp3 stream

I'm streaming an mp3 file using MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource(myContext, Uri.parse("http://my_song.mp3")); mp.prepareAsync(); mp.setOnPreparedListener(mpOnPreparedListener); mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(mpOnBufferingUpdateListener); etc... Any idea about how I can read the ID3 tags from this stream using android API or an...

Is it possible to grab the id3 metadata from an mp3 file while it's uploading from the user's browser to allow prefilling a form about the users track?

I have this requirement for a site I'm working on: The business owners want to show users a track form for the mp3 they're uploading as soon as they start uploading it and prefilling the form with the id3 data from the mp3. I don't see how this is is possible apart from perhaps using custom flash (e.g. SwiffUploader customised to look ...

How can I determine the length of an mp3 file's header?

I am writing a program to diff, and copy entire files or segments based on changes on either end (Rsync-esque... but more like Unison). The main idea is to keep my music folder (all mp3s) up to date over multiple locations. I'd like to send segmented updates if only small portions of the file have changed, as opposed to copying the enti...

TagLib# Windows distribution? Or another good ID3 reader?

Hi all, i wanted to write a quick program to get the file organization of my MP3 files back into sync with the info in my ID3 tags... I had tried to get the Windows Media Format SDK, but when i go to install it says it can only run on WinXP. I found someone on here suggest TagLib#, which looked REALLY good, from the code examples. Prob...

Is there anyway to get ID3 metadata from an MP3 or Vorbis comments from Ogg via the HTML5 audio element?

Mozilla Developer Center's HTML5 media guide describes an event for audio and video elements called "loadedmetadata". Is there anyway to get the metadata for files? I am writing an HTML5 extension for Google Chrome and I don't know what the metadata for the audio files I'm creating a player for beforehand. Edit: This question seems to ...

Encoding Problems With ID3 Tags

I have an ID3v1 tag that shows up in iTunes like: "It's Been A While". But when I read the tags with the libtag library "It¹s Been A While" comes out. Now when I open the file with a hex editor, I can see that it actualy is 0xB9 which is ¹ on Latin-1 and UTF-8/16. So how does Itunes get a ’ from 0xB9? Any ideas? Is there any character en...

ID3 Decision Tree with Numeric Values

I'm looking for a ID3 decision tree implementation in Python or any languages which takes a validation and a testing file as an input and returns predictions. I found this and this but I couldn't adapt them to numeric values, e.g. to Iris dataset. Do you know any ID3 tree implementation that works from console or any written in Python?...

C# ID3 library that supports custom fields

Currently i'm using TagLib Sharp as suggested in one of the posts @stackoverflow for reading id3-Tag out of mp3, flac, ogg and similar multimedia files .. now i just realized, that id3v2 (maybe even v1) supports custom tags but i can't find the implementation for reading/writing custom tags in TagLib Sharp. Does anybody know of a librar...

id3 information

I want to know about the id3 metadata, I am eager in extracting the album art from the mp3 file. Can u help me in suggesting a page which says about the id3 tag information (especially the images). I cant able to access the id3 developer info website. ...